"miss you already"

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┏━━━ : *. .* : ━━━┓
veronica [honey bunny🐰❤️]
betty [my munchkin🐹💗]
┗━━━ : *. .* : ━━━┛

honey bunny🐰❤️
I miss you already

my munchkin🐹💗
I miss you too
I can't wait until you come to
riverdale again

honey bunny🐰❤️
me too! I might have to bring my
friends over
archie has been begging me to
meet sol

my munchkin🐹💗
oh that's right, he's been going on
about wanting to meet her

honey bunny🐰❤️
I'm going to get an earful from her
for tagging her in the comments

my munchkin🐹💗
idk v, Arch is pretty charming

honey bunny🐰❤️
are you trying to make me jealous

my munchkin🐹💗
is it working? 😋

honey bunny🐰❤️
but nice try

my munchkin🐹💗
thank you
where are you now?

honey bunny🐰❤️
on the cab omw to the apartment

my munchkin🐹💗
cheryl's having a party at her place
in two weeks to celebrate the end
of the school year

honey bunny🐰❤️
oh, sweet
have fun for me

my munchkin🐹💗

honey bunny🐰❤️

my munchkin🐹💗
you heard me

honey bunny🐰❤️

my munchkin🐹💗
because you'll be having fun for
cheryl wants you to come

honey bunny🐰❤️
I would love to go!

my munchkin🐹💗
great! I'll let her know you and your
friends are coming

honey bunny🐰❤️
they'll love that!

my munchkin🐹💗
I can't wait!

honey bunny🐰❤️
gotta go, my best friend is going
through a crisis

my munchkin🐹💗
ok, good luck!

happy SCORPIO szn to all of you!
this is my szn, so here's a chapter to
celebrate and happy birthday to this
muffin of a man [♏︎]

happy SCORPIO szn to all of you!this is my szn, so here's a chapter tocelebrate and happy birthday to thismuffin of a man [♏︎]

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