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Bakugou pov..

I woke up to the sound of absolute death. My alarm clock. I tried my hardest not to explode it as I got up and turned the damned thing off. I did my casual morning routine, put on my glasses, and walked downstairs for breakfast. I wear my signature black combat boots with my school uniform, and I put them on before heading to school. My parents are busy with work, so I am usually home alone in the mornings.

I sighed, mentally preparing myself for today. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, cancelling Anima.

I was halfway to school when deku called my nickname. He was acting different. He started jogging at me. It startled me and I  fired off an explosion at him. I quickly apologized, and offered a hand to help him up. He took it and almost knocked me over by doing so.

I backed away slightly as he spoke. "Meet me at my house after school, I need to talk about something" he stated coldly. It wasn't an option. I nodded and speedwalked off. 'that was nerve-racking' I thought as I made it into the middle school's entrance. I walked up the set of stairs to get to my class on the second floor. I walked down one of the many tan hallways, filled with noisy people and numerous teachers.

I put my bag into the locker but made sure to take my sketchbook along with my school supplies. I walked into the small classroom, a couple minutes early. There were barely any people there, and I walked to the back and sat down. The class piled in soon after, and the loud chatter erupted as I tried (and failed) to do my algebra homework.

I sighed, closing my laptop, and decided to focus on the class that I was currently in.

The teacher walked in and the class started to quiet down. 'finally' I thought as the room went silent. The bell rang and hell started -the 6 hour torture was too much for me, and I opened my sketchbook.

Time skeeepppp to after school

Baku pov still..

I reluctantly went to his dorm and Knocked on the door. I was nervous. He had been bullying me all year and it was the last day of school.. what was he going to do?

He pulled me in and threw me on the bed. " Stay there" he said, as I slipped of my backpack. "Damn." I thought. He walked back in with a hand behind his back, smiling.

I was nervous.." close your eyes.." he said. I gulped and complied. He slipped something around my neck and locked it up front. I Opened my eyes quickly and was taken aback by what I saw. It was a red collar with a leash clip. I looked at him, speechless, then spoke up,"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THIS ON ME!!?!!?!" I yelled. He simply replied with,"calm down, puppy, it's fine..buuuttt, your staying with me over the summer." "OH HELL NO", i said. "Oh yes, you must follow my rules or there will be a punishment." "W-what kind of p-punishment..?" I asked. He pulled something else from behind his back and showed it to me. He eagerly pressed the button on the top of it and I screamed. "OWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOW TURN IT OFF P-PLEASE!!" I begged. The sudden outburst of energy made me lose concentration as I was forced to show my form.

Deku just stood there, laughing at my pain. He then pressed the button once more and it stopped. I was crying really hard. He took my hand and pulled me up from the bed. While I wasn't looking, he clipped a leash to my collar.

Deku pov..

I clipped the leash on him. He has his ears flattened against his head and his tail was down. He was upset. I pulled some pillows and a blanket out and told him to lay on it. He did as he was told, and I tied the other end of the leash to the bottom of my bed post. I changed and then got in bed.

I'm tiiirrreeeddddd
Oki so I'ma just create shorter chapters, but upload more often.
By my reader💚💜

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