He's Gone?

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Indulf's POV

I woke up to silence. I couldn't even hear the engine of the car running...


That's because the engine isn't running. I quickly sat up and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes. Once my eyes adjusted more to the darkness of the car, I looked around and noticed that we were stopped at a store?

I looked around more and saw that Damien wasn't in the car. Did he go into the store to get something? But what could it possibly be at this hour? I decided to sit there for a bit. Hopefully he will come out soon.


Argh! It's been an hour! Where the hell is he? Something isn't right. I finally decided to get out of the car. I went to the driver's side of the car to see if there was any clue. I looked at the ground and saw.. blood?? Why blood? Did Damien get hurt?! Wait, did someone come after him?! "What the fuck is happening?!" I unwillingly spat out. I decided to get back in the car, but in the driver's seat. "Should I just continue my way to Adela's? She has to be behind the reason for Damien's disappearance, right? I mean it seems logical?" I say before letting out a deep sigh as I rest my head on the steering wheel. I don't know why I'm freaking out about Damien so much. Usually, I freak out in silence, but not when he's around. "Maybe it's because of everything that's happened and me just not wanting to lose another person," I say as I let out another sigh. It's clear in my voice that I'm worried and mentally and physically exhausted from everything that's happened.

I sit up and put on a determined face. I have to keep going. I can't sit here and waste time. Luckily, the keys were left in the ignition, so I turned the car on again and started my journey again to Adela's.

"I'm coming for you Damien."


Damien's POV

I woke up to a terrible pain in my head and chills running across my body from the cold touching my skin. I sit up and look around the creepy and dark looking room.

Where am I..?

It's so dark..

As I am sitting there trying to figure out my surroundings in the dark, suddenly a large door opens. The sounds of footsteps are echoing, which tells me that I am not in a normal room. They put me in a dungeon.

As the footsteps get closer, anxiety starts to hit me. What is going on? Who is it? Where is Indulf? Is this it for me? I couldn't think straight. My mind was everywhere at that moment. As I was getting lost in the many questions running through my head, I suddenly see the person standing in front of me. But the only thing between us are bars. I'm in a dungeon.

"Come on," the man says with a deep voice. "The boss wants to see you." He unlocks the bars with a set of keys and walks in to get me.

The boss? Fuck, is this some type of joke? I decided just to get up. I want to see who is behind this. Suddenly I hear the sounds of keys and chains being undone. That's when I realized that I was chained up like a prisoner. I looked down at my clothes and noticed that they were dirty and.. is that blood? I'm bleeding?

The man picks me up harshly and pushes me forward. Once I catch myself from falling, I let out a sigh and begin to walk out.

As I step out of the dungeon, light blinds my eyes and I let out a groan. Have I been in there long? I continue to wait for my eyes to adjust so I can open them, when suddenly there is a harsh grip on my arm. "Don't try anything," the same man says, but in a more hurtful tone. He begins to walk, dragging me along as he won't let go of my arm.

After what seemed like forever, we finally stopped in a room that was old looking. It had cobwebs everywhere and it was dimly lit by candles. What is this place? I've never seen this before. Suddenly, a soft, almost soothing, yet harsh voice interrupts my thoughts.

"It's nice to see you again, Damien."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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