Chapter 1: Introduction

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"y/n, again, really?" my mom says.

"It's the only way I can focus"

"You are not old enough to be using drugs, and shouldn't use them in the first place" my father says.

"We've had enough of this. Although we are your parents, we cannot ruin our reputation because of people finding out that you are an underaged druggie" my mom says "which is why we have decided that you're going to live with your aunt in New Jersey. "

Let me fill you in. Hi, I'm y/n. I'm a 16 year old in all AP and Honor Courses. My parents own a well-known law firm here in LA, California and I have no siblings.

Some say I have the life everyone wants, but what they don't know is I have really bad anxiety. How I control that? Smoking. I know, that's bad, but it's how I stay calm and focused.

My parent's don't approve and thought I stopped, but I've been doing it when they aren't home. As of today, I was caught, and now I have to move? Great.

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