Chapter 14: Birthday Party

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"Oh my god!!! Where's the pink frosting!!!"

"I don't know, I thought you had it last!!!"

Vic and I were currently trying to finish up the cupcakes for the party.

We had a whole schedule planned, we'd make the cupcakes in the morning, while their cooling, we'd go get my dress I ordered, and then head home to decorate...

The only problem is.. we kinda slept in and are kinda running a little late.. it's chaotic.

"Okay, done. Now let's go get the dress." Vic says, grabbing her bag.
-hours later-
We are putting the final touches on the house as people start to show up.


"HEY KAI!!" I run over, to be greeted with a hug.

-two hours later-

Almost everyone was here, and the house was completely packed.

As everyone danced around, I tried looking for Mattia, but he was no where to be found... maybe I should ask Bri, she's been with him recently.

"Sorry, haven't seen her here..." Vic says, going back to dancing with Ale.

"Come on, y/n. Just party! I'm sure they're here somewhere. And if not, I'm sure they'll show." Alvaro says.

I agree and go dance with the rest of the group.

-a couple hours later-

"WOOO I WIN! NOW DRINK!" I shout, as I make the ball into the last cup.

Alejandro downs the cup. We're all pretty much goners by now, but I still wanna party.

I am currently in my underwear and bra as we all just jumped in the pool. Man, was it cold.

As I head inside, I see that there isn't anymore cups, so I go into the garage.

"Hey, y/n. Glad you finally showed." Robert says, as I see that he, aswell as the rest of the group, have sorta made a hang out spot in here.

"Geeze, it's freezing!" I say, as a gush of wind enters through the opened garage door.

"Here, take this." Kairi says, handing me his sweater.

"Thanks." I say placing it on.

As I went to go sit on the couch that was in there, I realized that Bri's car still wasn't here. Okay, now I'm kinda worried. What if she's hurt?! I shoot her a text asking if she's good.

Almost as if he was reading my mind, "I wonder where Mattia and Bri are. You would think that they would've been here by now" Roshaun points out.

"Guys, I think I'm gonna drive over to Mattia's and apologize. I don't really know what I did wrong, but I feel like I should. Stay here and watch the party yeah?"

"I can go with you." Kairi says, as I begin to exit the garage into the house.


With that, I go into the house, put on a pair of jeans, grab my keys, and head out the front door with Kairi.

Kai pulls into Mattia's driveway to see his car there...

"Wait here, I'll be right back." I say, as I get out of the car.

As I'm walking up to his door, I see a light through a window where his living room is. It's the TV.

I go up to the window, and what I see..

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