Waking up happy.
Happy as can be.
The world tells me to become more than myself, but the world doesn't want me to be happy.
The world tells me to love, but nobody to love me.
Positive energy, I don't disagree. No.
But, my positive energy is at an all-time low.
I need self-healing as the emotions take me over.
It's the next day, new day, new year, new me.
Get up, wake up, there's one focus, to be happy.
How can I? When as soon as I hit the door, there are the people, the group, the crowd picks up where we left off their goal is not to see me proud.
Still blessed to be here.
I need self-healing as the emotions take me over.
People? There are all kinds of people, I mean enemies.
Enemies that want your life to be over.
Your dream to be over.
Your happiness to be over.
Your relationship to be over.
Your job to be over.
Your house? They want you to lose it, it's over.
Coming to a complete stop, done and finished.
All your energy is gone, while the people around you have energy that is replenished.
I need self-healing as the emotions take me over.
That person that doesn't like who you are, they make you over.
Now that they know, how much you adore you.
Is it my heart and is it my pride?
To give my heart to you as we go along this dangerous ride.
Days later telling me something you had to hide.
You telling me something to my face, even though you lied.
Is it my heart or is it my soul?
To give up on this person, that, person, and all of them as a whole.
Mistaking my casting out negative intentions as cold.
You can only change your life if you are bold.
At least that's what I been told, but as you grow old.
You see the world spinning in front of you differently.
When you start to see the lessons in life coincidentally.
But, mentally.
I'm drained, from trying to not go insane.
In my brain, to just escape all the pain.
I smile and say I am alright. I say it out of faith.
But on the inside I say it to hide the pain.
As all these emotions are taking me over.
My Inner Me
PoetryLiterary poems that feature some of the experiences discussed in the novel "Connecting With My Inner Me".