Stay or leave?

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Hey guys here we go with another chapter thank to those of you who read the first chapter so here we go with the next page. Also this chapter may be a little short and if you have read my books before you know I never make a small chapter unless I run out of Ideas for side chapter or I wanna leave you all on a cliff hanger. Hope you all enjoy

Yellow looked at Blue as she laid in his arms, her arms around his neck." Pleas stay. Stay here with me." She spoke softly in a sweet voice making his body tangle all over but Yellow knew he had to go before his girlfriend called to talk with him all night long like she always did and to make matters worse she was away on a businesses trip in Japan times likes this she was always texting, calling, and facing timing him all day and all night much to his annoyance but something he was use to after 3 years with her. Blue looked into Yellow's fiery eyes to it was like looking into the embers of a fire on a cold winters night it made her feel warm and safe. 

Yellow looked into her icy blue eyes they reminded him of the crystal he'd seen in the polar ice caps five years ago and just like the gems he had seen back then her gorgeous eyes where just as alluring as the crystals he'd seen. Yellows heart started to pound in his chest this feeling in his chest, this tingling sensation running through his body, and most of all this feeling of desire overwhelmed his body just by looking at the blue girl.

'This girl her skin is as cold as snow, her eyes are like ice crystal that form in the polar ice caps, but shine like the stars in the heavens above.' He thought to himself as he slowly pulled the Blue close placing a kiss on her lips, Blue's eyes were filled with love looking at Yellow before she kissing the man she loved.

'But what should I do my heart is pounding like never before and she makes me feel strange all over my body, she makes me happier then my girlfriend does but, why? she is just my student.'

Yellow laid her down in bed their lips still locked in a passionate kiss, Yellow put his things down and kissed her neck making the school girl gasp softly, she held his head in that spot. Yellow started sucking and biting Blue's sweet spot leaving hickeys and loves bits along her neck and chest, he rubbed her hips and Blue felt his hard cock on her women hood making her wet.

"Ha ah.... Yellow....s-stay here with me."

He looked up at her, she looked at him with a tender smile hoping to hear him say yes or just kiss her again but, she received neither. Blue looked at him and saw a frown on his lips." What's wrong." She cherished his cheek making the grown man flush a bright red he leaned into her touch it was cold yet warm. He sighted gently taking her hand and moved it from his cheek." I can't stay Blue I'm sorry." He said softly looking into her eyes. Blue her heat break." I'm sorry Blue I have a girlfriend and if she finds out that I..." He stopped see Blue cry as she slowly let go of his neck and shirt her heart was starting to brake." Blue I...I never wanted it to get this far I never should have let it..................I just I lost myself...."

"Yellow stay please I want you to stay and be here with me." She said looking at him but Yellow had no idea how to get her to stop.

"Blue I can't I...." She cut him off.

"Yes you can so what if you have a girlfriend, I love you maybe even more then she dose." Tears started to slid down her cheeks.

"Blue we barely know each other how can you say you love me if...." Blue cut him off mid sentence   

"Go..." She said in tears.

"What? Blue....." 

She pushed him off stopping him before he could say anymore then that, She stood and went to the door opening it and looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Blue what are you doing." He stood and looked at her.

"You said you wanted to leave......there's the door........ Just go, go back to your girlfriend. I love you what dose she give you." She said turning away from him crying in her hands crying for Yellow and the fact that he was leaving, in all his years of dating never once did a women cry for him, ask him to stay or.....said they loved him in a case like this, he just couldn't believe that Blue spoke to him like this. Yellow walk towards the door and her.

Blue listened to his foot steps as they go closer and closer and closer till they stopped all together she felt her heartbreak he was really leaving her alone, he was going to leave after she gave him her first time after she gave him everything all she wanted was for him to stay with her even if it was just for the night she want him to stay with her." He left... he really...." Her sentence was cut short when her wrist was grabbed from behind and her body did a whole spine, her eyes meeting deep ember before her lips where locked into a deep kiss.

Yellow stood there holding the blue girls cheek as she tried to pull away from the kiss but he held her close to his chest refusing to releases her from the hold he had on her, releasing his hold for a brief moment he reached under her thighs only to lift her off the ground never breaking the kiss between the two. Blue's cheeks were as red as cherries this was the last thing she expected from Yellow." Umm um." She moaned softly when Yellow pushed his tong into her mouth his tong fought with hers for dominance which Blue gave up quickly gave up on.

Yellow explored Blue's mouth and played with her tong making the white haired girl moan softly, he laid her down in bed and slowly pulled away from the kiss slowly a thick strand of saliva connected them, Blue looked at the older man her cheeks flushed a deep red. She was going to speck but Yellow pressed his finger to her lips." Shhhh." He smiled pulling his finger away and cleaned away the strand of saliva between them. He looked at his student.

"Hush Blue." He said softly and kissed her once more.

The next Morning

Blue woke at 8 a.m. it was Saturday morning, She sat up holding the blanket to her breast she was covered in hickeys and love bit. Last night Yellow kissed, sucked, and licked all over Blue's body and even ate her out till she came and licked her clean, Yellow held her close to his chest all night she felt the warmth of his skin on hers.

Blue looked around and noticed Yellow was gone and so was his clothes and his other things as well it was like he was never there to begin with, She looked down as tears welled in her eyes and cried softly her hand over her mouth to keep the cries from being to loud even thought there was no one in the dorms she didn't want anyone to hear her cry let lone over a man who had a women." I guess that's it then." She said to herself not realizing the door to her room opened. Blue looked up for a moment and saw Yellow walk in with two bags of grocery's in his hand.

"Good morning Blue I....." His was cut off after being tackled by the blue girl luckily he caught her in his arms dropping the bags as Blue nuzzled him close while holding onto him." Blue what's wrong." He held her close wrapping his jacket around her shoulders it was below fifty outside and she had no clothes on, even thought the dorm was warm it was still freezing inside and the last thing he wanted was for her to caught a cold." You should put some clothes on I don't want you to get sick now." He kissed his head and cheeks 

"Your here, you really came back I thought you left and weren't coming back." She said gripping his shirt and kissing his handsome jaw line loving his skin and the warmth it gave. Yellow chuckled a bit and held her close to his chest with a smile on his face."Please stay." She looked at him nuzzling under his chin she felt short compared to his six foot tall figure, she was only five foot six. 

Yellow kissed her lips and held her close to him with a firm grip." I'm not leaving you Blue." He said with a soft voice holding her in his arms.

However in Japan Meagan was looking at her phone 37 missed calls, 28 voice mails, 17 video calls, and 200 text messages noun of which had been answered sense Friday and it was Saturday now." Yellow What the hell are you doing." She gripped her phone and got ready to head back and find out what the hell was going on.

To be continued.

Well that was chapter two oh my new book let me now what you guys thought about the chapter and what you think about the book in the comments below I love hearing what you all think well till next time

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