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Pry for this woman she will need it. Also would you all like for Blue and Yellow to have blue and yellow skin or caramel brown for blue and white tan-ish for Yellow Vote on which you like more. Day two of Bellow Diamond Week.

Yellow held Blue close as he kissed her lips with all the love and passion in his body he ran his fingers throw her long white hair, the new couple pulled apart for much needed air, Yellow watched as Blue painted her cheeks flushed a deep red as he was. Yellows rested his hand on Blue's hip respectfully while his other hand cradled her cheek with care, Blue smiled holding his hand as she leaned into his touch smiling and Yellow, he smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time and David could see that.

David smiled leaning on a tree his arms crossed." Yellow old friend you finally found your half now, comes the hard part fighting for it." He smiled and left the couple alone in the park.

" I love you my queen." Yellow pulled his beloved close placing a kiss on her head." I will never let you go Blue and no matter what I will never ever stop loving you." Blue felt her heart pounding in her chest like she was about to have a heart attack." Relax love you heart rate is high pleas be calm." He said softly trying to relax her.

"It's hard to stay calm when the man you have loved for almost 5 years is this close to you." She said softly but breathed calming her heart rate.

" There is no need to be nervous anymore, we made love three times skin to skin, I regret nothing we did together and I know your nervous but there is no rush my love I'll wait till the end of time if I have to." Blue felt tears run down her cheeks hearing his words, she couldn't believe this was really happening the two of them where officially together and soon they would been far more then that.

However, sense she had yet to answer him with a confident yes, she was surprised to hear his words. This was what she wanted more then anything in the world to spend the rest of her life with Yellow but, she hesitated to say yes. Not because she was scared but because she was worried she couldn't be the wife he wanted. Blue was pulled from her thoughts when Yellow pecked her lips making the smaller woman smile. "Yellow." She wrapped her arms around his neck." Thank you for not rushing everything I have ever wanted and I couldn't ask for a better man to love and love me for who I am inside and out." She kissed his cute nose making the man smile with a small tint in his cheeks." Maybe we can go back  to mt dorm..." Yellow cut her off 

"No love you'r not going back to the dorms." Yellow spoke firmly yet sweetly but this left the school girl very confused, why was he suddenly refusing to go back to the dorm? just last night they slept together in her room so why was he now changing his mind about where they stayed together.

"Why not just last night we where there h...having fun." Blue blushed softly trying not to think about what they did just hours ago while also trying to understand why he didn't want her there anymore.

"Because I want you to moving in with me." Blue looked back at Yellow, she could see he meant it." I really want you to stay with me instead of at the dooms, I'v see how others teat  you in  the halls of the school and I can only image what they have done to you in the dorms to the point you have to get a barrel bolt, I noticed it on the top of your door our first night together."

This made Blue look down she knew exactly what he meant, the only good thing was that Blue didn't have a roommate and a working lock on her door." besides you'r old enough to move out where every you please they have no say in where you go and." He pressed his head to hers." I want to wake up to you at my side every morning plus how am I going to celebrate with my love if she's two miles away." Yellow kissed Blue's head softly making the girl giggle a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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