Be mine

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Hey everyone I think I have a plane for writing now so let see if I can stick to this scheduled. Hopefully I will be on time, if I can be on time to school I think I can do it for my stories.

Yellow smiled as he laid four blanket on the grass was covered in snow and the lake was frozen that's how cols it was at this time of year, Yellow went to the car and pulled out a basket and two glasses for himself and his beloved." Hum." He looked at his phone a text from David.

' I have to say this girl is smart. A lot smarter then I thought.'

Yellow glared just a bit.' Hey watch what you say about my woman and dame right, how is she by the way? you better be taking care of my woman.' Yellow texted back.

'Sorry it's just when you told me she was young and still in high school I just thought of a crazy  girl who wanted to throw herself at you every chance she had but seeing her now I see she is way more then I thought, She is fine have I ever failed you?🤨' David sent back.

Yellow stared at the phone for a good few seconds before texting back.' yes .'

David stared and looked up for a second then back at his phone. ' HEY! that wasn't my fault that day😭😤'

You let girls three in heels might I add seek into my house steel my golden watch and my dame underwear while I was out of town for a trip when we where in collage and as I recall you decided to get some dick on my cough while they sneak around my house am I wrong🤔'

David blushed hard looking at Yellows response, he had no idea how Yellow knew that let alone who told him. He could have sworn that he cleaned everything leaving behind no evidence of that afternoon/night with his boyfriend.

'H....How did you find out I never told you.'

'You just did 😏🤣' Yellow chuckled he always knew he was guilty. 

' Anyways you two should be on your way to riverside park by now so hopefully everything is smooth on you way here and keep an eye out for my brother you know how he gets when he sees a woman as pretty as Blue, if anything 911 text me ASAP.'

David looked back at Blue as she looked out the window smiling at the thought if see the man she loved in just a few minuets, pushing his embarrassment aside, he sent Yellow one more text. 

'I promise you I'll protect her no matter what he will have to put up a real fight to get to her, see you soon Yellow.'

David but his phone down after that and continued driving to riverside park. 

Yellow looked at the message and put his faith in his best friend, he knew that David was no push over and for nearly two decades David had Yellows back sense the time they where in elementary to their years in collage. Yellow had nothing but confidence in David and that was a fact, Yellow grabbed one more thing from the car an outdoor fireplace to keep them warm." Hum." He smiled looking at picture of Blue he took while she was sleeping on his chest, her smiled warmed his heart very time." My queen." He had no doubt in his mind that she was the one he wanted her more then anything in the world.

In The Car

Blue sat looking out the window while thinking of how to repay Yellow for the trouble he went through to do all of this she knew it must of cost him at lest 6  months pay.

Mind: Yellow gets paid three checks a month that's from working at the high school and collage the clothes on it's own much have cost him more then a thousand dollars maybe even more then that but....I have no idea how much this dress cost or the shoes or anything for that matter.

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