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Short version: What do y'all want to see in this story? I would love to know what y'all want to see, and so I can have a guideline cause I've been lacking in my Roman... CREATIVE WHY AREN'T YOU DOING YOUR JOB!!!!

Long version: Hey guys!! I'm alive!! So I want to know what you guys (and gals, and non-binary pals) want to see in this story. I've been having trouble knowing what to write for this and I don't want to discontinue this. Knowing what y'all want to see in this would help so I can have a sort of guideline of what I should include. I love all of you guys so much! I've had so much fun writing this story so far and I'm determined to finish it! I'll try to write/updated this more. Balancing homework, school work, attempting to write this and other story's for fun, making sure I don't fail any of my classes, and trying to have a decent sleep schedule (which is failing by a lot) is a bit hard, energy draining, and is making me have a lack of creativity. I cannot thank you all enough for reading this story so far, it means the world. I love you all!!❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

A kind person (Adopted by Thomas Sanders)Where stories live. Discover now