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"Do I have to go?" Michael whined, following behind the small brunette.

"Yes, Michael!" Tay laughed, spinning around and grabbing Michael's wrist to drag him. "It's important that you meet the guy I've been seeing."

"Please explain why." The red haired boy groaned.

"Why what?" She stopped and looked up at him.

"Why I have to meet this Alex guy."

"Because I said so." Her eyebrows knit together.

"Because you said so. Wow, Tay. Seriously, come up with a better reason." Michael said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Tay sighed and ran a hand through her dark hair. "Okay, because I'm kinda iffy about this relationship and your opinion is important to me. So, I want you to meet him and tell me what you think."

"Aw my opinion is important to you!" Michael smiled, extending him arms out for the shorter girl. "How sweet!"

Michael forced the squirming girl into a hug and squeezed her while her legs kicked around in attempt to escaped.

"What's going on here?" A voice interrupted Tay's muffled swearing against Michael's chest.

Tay was dropped onto the balls of her feet and spun around to see the guy she'd been waiting on.

"Alex, hi."

They hugged and Michael began thoroughly examining the Alex guy that his best friend has been talking about non-stop.

"This is my friend Jack." Alex said, stepping back from their embrace. "He's like my soulmate with a penis."

Michael was too busy giving Alex the protective brother stare to notice the other guy approach the small group. When he saw who it was a smirk fell on his lips.

"This is my friend Michael. He's here to make sure you're not a prick." Tay nodded towards Michael's direction.

Jack's eyes lifted from his shoes and his face went blank.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Bc this is cliffkat there won't be jalex so there'll be side taylex waddup

I'm gonna start updating this more often bc ideas are brewing heh

((((I love the name I came up with for Michael and jack. Cliffkat. Idk I like it. Reminds me of kitkats. ))))

Love you guyyyyysssss:)

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