Sex- eden

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I do it often. Fucking around with guys. It's not to hurt them. I'd never hurt anyone intentionally. I just want sex, they want it to, no strings attached is promised so like, why not? It's not usually with the same guy every time, but maybe I keep one around for two or three times, after that it's over, and only awkward glances are exchanged anytime we see each other.

And this is what I thought the plan was again last night. I fucked , well, I was fucked, by a pretty popular guy. This was our first time , and usually I can tell by the first time wether it's going to be the last. I'm pretty sure this was that situation.

Why? You may ask, well, this popular boy, may I mention probably assumed to be straight, benji, he didn't give me a snap, insta, number, nothing. And usually after the first time, they give me something, text me out of the blue one day, and then we do it again. But no, the second he came, he pulled out, awkwardly put his clothes back on, and just left without saying a word.

Maybe he is straight after all. I thought, after he closed my car door softly, leaving without a word. Well he just fucked me, doesn't seem that straight. Okay yeah, maybe he's questioning, or experimenting.

I slipped my clothes back on, Starting to drive back home, not really thinking of the day ahead of me.

I woke up, sadly. I started to get ready for the day, slipping on a white band shirt, tucking it into my black jeans with chains, and putting a black bucket hat on .

I walked out and got to my car, speeding to school as I woke up late.

I got to my first class, home room, and sat down, forgetting this is how I met the popular boy. I silently cursed myself for not choosing a different seat, but also hoping he wouldn't either. I opened my computer and let it sit on the home screen, as I heard someone sit next to me. I inhaled. Yep. Popular boy. The class slowly filled up and we just sat in a rather knowing uncomfortable silence.

And I say what's up

"Hey benji, what's up?" I said, sitting up and turning towards him slightly.

He just shrugged, staring off in the distance, picking at his nail.

What you've been thinking, cause you've been staring at that roof so long I swear it's come alive

I frowned a little, understanding where his head was at.

He cleared his throat, clearly looking a little uncomfortable.

And *he* spoke nine words

"I think we should forget what happened between us," he said, his face tinging a slight shade of vermilion.

"Oh, uh, yeah okay," I said.

And now we're sinking

Everything in me wanted to go along with what he said. But I knew I couldn't. He was different and god I hated that he was. Something about him made me want to change who I was, just for him.

We sat in silence the rest of the period, I had to watch him struggle to find something to pretend to do.

Once the bell rang, he was up, and out of the room before I could think. Wow he must really be bothered by what happened.

I just sighed, and got up, going to the next class. It was geometry. I sat down in my seat and a boy I hadn't talked to before sat down next to me.

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