Heather- conan gray

810 54 120

I still remember

It was cold, we were outside of a small, locally owned coffee shop. We were sitting at those round, wire tables, even though it was probably 20 degrees.

Third of December

I was shivering, the only warm part on my body was my hands. I had a paper cup of hot chocolate in my hands, mainly as a heater, since it was much to hot to drink.

"Are you okay?" You asked me, a cute concerned look played on your face.

I nodded.
"Just a little cold." I said, shivering, attempting to huddle against the paper cup.

You smiled.
"Here, take my sweater." You said, lifting it off of your body, and over to me.

Me in your sweater

There wasn't much time for the cliche argument of 'oh, but then you'll be cold', so I pulled it over my long sleeve shirt, and fixed my hair after wards.

You smiled, making me blush.
You said it looked better

"Wow, it looks great on you." You said, tracing a circle over my hand with your finger.

"Yeah?" I asked. You nodded.

On me than it did you

"Way better than it looks on me." You said.

I blushed, looking down at my shoes. It seemed that everything in this moment was ours, and like we were in a protective bubble of skinny love.

Only if you knew

How much I liked you

But when I looked up, I saw your head turned, watching a girl walk by.

But i watch your eyes , as she

Walks by

I tore my eyes from you, to the girl.

What a sight for sore eyes

She had beautiful brown hair, that was straight and fell perfectly down her back.

And her eyes were  brighter than a blue sky

She smiled at you, and you waved her over

She's got you mesmerized

While I die

That was when it started, back in December.

Ever since then I've been a jealous wreck. And not a very good friend either.

"Jorge!"  Benji yelled, running up to me from the other side of the school hallway. Benji placed his  hand on my shoulder and bent over, catching his breath.

"You want me to walk you home?" He asked.

I nodded, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and shutting my locker.

Heather rides the bus, sometimes benji does too, so she isn't lonely. But sometimes he walks me home. Those are the best days.

We walked beside each other out of the school doors, and down the street.

He was talking about some conversation he had with our mutual friend, cayman.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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