Sparks - coldplay

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I put this on the wrong book but I might as well leave it there and also put it here

It was raining. It was raining while I was on my walk. I hate the cold and I hate being wet, and being wet while your cold is the worst.

So there was a Starbucks. There was a Starbucks and I decided to go in it.

It was fill with people. People who were on their computer typing, people who were listening to music while drinking lattes. People who were quiet and calm.

I love it when it's quiet.

I ordered a hot chocolate and slowly sipped on the hot liquid. It instantly warmed me up, more than the natural heat of the building.

I looked out the window and watched as the rain dripped from the roof tops and over hangs of buildings, and dropped onto the ground. Rippling through a puddle and creating waves.

Then the puddle was smashed through. I furrowed my brows, and looked at the shoe that smashed through it.

It was a bright pair of rubber rain boots. I looked up, connecting the boots to a strangers face.

She was pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin. Really pretty. The type of pretty that makes me wonder why anyone has ever liked me. And the reason no one ever will again.

There was a boy with her. He had on black converse, and a hoodie, so I couldn't see his face. But even though I couldn't, they still seemed happy.

I can't even remember the last time I was happy.
The boy turned around, and there it was.

The return of the heart break.

His familiar tanned face and brown fluffy hair flooded my vision almost as much as the puddles they were splashing around in.

Did I drive you away

He always wanted to go outside in the rain. Wether it was to go on a walk, to blast music and dance in it , or to..

She pulled him in close and splashed in the puddle

..Splash in puddles

I know what you'll say

It's strange; looking at someone you love be with someone else. And not only are they so explicitly happy, but it's not even for show, because they don't know you're looking at them.

I went to drink my hot chocolate, but grimaced slightly as it was now cold.

I scrunched my nose and sat my drink down, only to be met with the hazel eyes belonging to the boy I was just looking at.

You say, oh, sing one we know

His face altered from the expressive happy smile, to a now nulled loose line of the lips.

She , on the other hand, was dragging him to the star bucks I was in, smiling and laughing. Totally unaware of who I am, and that I'm sitting in the place she was about to enter.

But I promise you this

He sat down at a table, as she set her stuff down on the seat, heading up the front to order.

He just stared down at his shoes, those same black dirty converse he wore in the rain the day we fought.

The day I never saw him again.
Until now.

She returned with two large plastic cups and handed one to him.

I could tell by the look of it, that it was a vanilla bean, just as he always got.

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