Everybody loves you- Charllote lawrence

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I closed my locker, looking over and seeing you. And all of your friends and all the people that barely know you standing around you. You smiled and everyone started laughing at some joke. I mentally frowned. I felt so exhausted, my legs and arms feelings like led.

I am so tired I, have to tame my mind

I just shook my head. He's just a person to you now jorge. It's whatever.

Before I get too frustrated

I sat down in my seat, remembering how benji used to sit in the seat next to mine until I told him to leave.
Can't go back in time

I was thinking of all the times he apologized. And I tried so fucking hard to accept that apology, but I just couldn't see him the same. I looked over at him. I could still see that girls lips on his, even though they weren't really there.

To change in someone's eyes

I still catch his eyes on me when I walk alone in the hallway, and I try to ignore it, but the anger and sorrow is still trapped inside me. I still haven't found a way to let it out.

That I was not something to play with

Sometimes I have to restrain myself from taking back to him, and it hurts that I have to but my body won't let me.

Try not to talk about it
And when syd asks me what's wrong I try to explain it , but I can never get a word out. But this all happened a month ago. I should be over it now right?

I'm too mad ,I'm too late ,I'm to gentle, it's too hard to explain, I'm not helpful

And I catch myself thinking about his hair. His fucking fluffy hair and how soft it is to touch. Or About how cute he is when he smiles. But I'm forcing myself to hate those things now. Because it makes it easier.

It's my body , and I'm trying to hate you cause I want to

But it's so hard. I didn't realize I was zoned out the whole period. I stood up and started to walk towards lunch, and seeing you around so many people. I know you're popular, I just forgot because you were too busy with me all the time. Until that night. The night you cheated.

It's my body and I'm trying to

No one really cared when word got out that we broke up. Tons of girls came flooding your way, which honestly hurt. But all of your friends, that I forgot weren't mine to start with, stayed by you. You're so charming and nice it hurts. And everyone can't help but stick around you.

While everybody loves you

I guess I was staring for too long, because I caught your eye. A sad look returned to your face. It reminded me of how you looked when I saw you. That night.

It's my body and I'm trying to

So badly I wanted to forgive you, so badly I wanted to take you back and to just start over.

Forgive you

But I just can't get rid of the feeling of betrayal. I looked away from your eyes and started eating my food.

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