Chapter 18

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Two hours later, Brad and I were sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. The officer took our statements and I told him about the abusive history. One of the cops was still here, waiting to talk to Alex. Since he was a minor, they had to call social services. Luckily, Brad called his aunt after we spoke to the cop, and she was on her way. 

I went to the third floor to see my mom when we first got here. She was waiting in my dad's room and she told me the doctors said he had a severe heart attack and now is in a catatonic state. It apparently happened after I left him in the locker room. Shit. Why the hell is all this happening? I told her I needed to check on Gabby then I would be back. 

 "It's going to be okay, Hayden," Brad said when I sat back down next to him. I knew he was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't helping.

 I looked to the double doors again and saw the doctor come out. I jumped up and ran to him. "How is she?"

"Are you family?"

 "I'm her boyfriend. I'm all she has besides her brother."

 The doctor hesitated. "She got roughed up pretty bad. She has a couple broken ribs, a lot of bruising, a head injury and there may also be some swelling around her brain. She's sedated for now. Once that wears off, if she wakes up, we'll be able to have a more precise idea of what we're looking at." 

  I was hearing what the doctor was saying, but at the same time it didn't register. My heart was pounding so loud in my ears, I'm surprised I heard any of what he said. Only one thing mattered though, so I asked, "Can I see her?"

 "I'm sorry. Family only."

 The doctor turned and started to walk away. Brad stopped me before I could argue with him. "Hayden, come here."

 He pulled me over to the corner of the waiting room. "The doctor won't budge. If you want to see her, you need to do it another way."

"How?" I was willing to try anything.

 He pointed down the far hallway. "When I went to get coffee I saw a door. Third door on the left. Someone came out of it and I saw a bunch of scrubs inside. Go to the bathroom and take off your pads. Then go in there and put on scrubs. Everything. Hat and the mask."

 "What if it doesn't work?" It had to work.

 "It's worth a shot. I saw her chart when the doctor turned. She's on this floor. Room 245."

 I stared at him for a long time before I pulled him into a hug. "Thank you."

 He pushed me away and smiled. "Now, who's the girl? Go on, man. Check on your girl. I'll be here when you get back. I want to keep an eye on Alex anyways."

 "Okay, keep me posted," I told him before I went to the bathroom he told me about. I took off my pads and jersey, but kept my undershirt on. I walked in the direction that lead to the coffee and counted the doors. When I got to the third one, I looked around to see if anyone was watching. When I saw a nurse coming I ducked down to act like I was tying my shoe.

 She walked past me and turned the corner. I stood up and tried the handle. I sighed with relief when the door opened and I went inside. I quickly undressed, hiding my clothes beneath some scrubs. I put on the hat and mask before stepping out. I didn't hesitate as I walked towards her room. I tried my hardest not to draw attention to myself. 

I nodded at the occasional doctor or nurse who walked by me. They seemed to buy it. When I got to her room I saw no one was inside. I went inside and drew the curtain closed. I pulled my mask off and froze.

 All the blood was cleaned off of her face but I could see all the injuries clearly. She had a breathing tube in her mouth, her eyes were swollen, her lip busted. There were fresh marks on her neck. Her left arm was in a sling and her right leg was in a brace. "Holy fucking christ." 

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