Chapter 31

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1 Year, 3 Months, and 9 Days Later


Today was May 20th. The end of my freshman year at UGA was here, and I found myself driving towards home.  

I promised my mom I would come visit for a few days. I made the occasional trip every few weeks, but other than that, I focused on school. I decided I wanted to study construction. The idea of building something fascinated me. 

Brad came with me to UGA, and has no idea what he's majoring in. No surprise there. Luckily, his family had money for his tuition and he actually turned down a football scholarship. Idiot. Then again, I did the same. Football wasn't for us. 

Which brings me to the first person I haven't seen in over a year. My father. He actually took off after everything. He left the sawmill and moved out of state somewhere. My mom was a wreck, but we got through it together. She got her old teaching job back and I was on financial aid and working at a mechanic shop. 

So much has changed, I thought as I parked my car at Bonfire-fucking-Pointe, and I got that same deja vu feeling as I walked the normal trail to our usual spot. It's been a little over a year since I agreed to give Gabby her space. I haven't seen her or talked to her since…that day.

She wasn't here. Then again, I wasn't expecting her to be, but there was always hope. I just wanted to be in an "our" place for a little while. It was the closest I could get to her right now. 

"Thought you'd be here." 

I turned around and smiled as I saw Alex standing behind me. We've both hung out about once or twice a month since last year. He's going to be a senior in high school and was doing great. Jenny's seemed to be a good fit for him as well. 

I pulled him into a hug as I asked, "How are you, Alex?" 

"I'm okay. Same old, same old." 

Time for the same magic question. "How is she?" 

He gave me the same half smile. "She's okay. Doing better. You know, I'm surprised you actually stayed away." 

He wasn't kidding. "Me too, actually. Hardest thing I've ever done in my life." I laughed before confessing, "You know, I can't count the number of times those first six months that I got in my car, started it, and debated coming to see her. Brad called me lovesick."

Alex laughed at that. "Yeah or whipped." 

"Shut up, man," I said, punching him in the shoulder. 

He sobered before asking, "How long will you be in town?" 

I gave a half shrug. "Two or three days." 

"Cool. Let's hang out before you leave?" 

"Yeah, absolutely. Be good, okay?"

He scoffed as he turned to leave and said, "Always." 

I turned to look back at the water when I heard, "She asks about you, too." 

"What?" I asked, looking back at him. I couldn't have heard that right. 

"Gabby. She asks about you, too." 

I didn't say anything as he walked away. I never moved on from Gabby. Don't think I ever could even if I wanted to. I went on two dates during our "break" and it didn't even make it to a good night kiss. Nope, there was only Gabby. She was the one for me. 

If she's asking about me, does that mean there's hope for our future?


I got to my mom's a few hours later. I ended up staying at the lake more than I planned. I saw her open the front door as I got out of my car, and excited expression on her face.

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