At least we have you back.💙

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We are in the Merlin's Tomb. Draal was injured and Gunmar stole the staff:
Angor Rot was sneaking to the Jim, but Draal quickly grabed him and throw him to the other side of falling crystal. Grunting and panting in pain Draal was covered his wound in the chest. Jim quickly stood up and helped Aaarrrgh to drag him up. Blinky pointed to the exit. "We have to go before the earthquakes will crush us all!" Jim helped Draal to move. "You'll be alright Draal. Just hold on." Jim was trying to support him. Draal opened his eyes to see Jim's worrying face. "Jim." he sighed. Aaarrrgh was trying to lift up the crystal in the way. "Too. Big!" "It's okay wingman, you tried." Toby tried to comforted him, but Blinky run throught them to help Aaarrrgh. "It's hardly okay.. Were on the wrong side of the exit. It seems the Merlins tomb will now become our own." Aaarrrgh helped Jim to hold Draal by his free arms to hist chest as the falling crystals were supposed to hit them. Then the new way opened. Claire pointed on it. "Or we can go just that way. There's an opening!" While Blinky protested about being trapped somewhere else, Draal sat on floor. "Let me here. I would only slow you down." he said wearily. "No! We did not came here all the way only for the staff, but also for you, Draal. And friends don't leave friends behind." protested Jim. Aaarrrgh lift Draal up on his back and they continued in way. "But, what about the staff?" asked Draal. Jim smiled at him. "At least we have you." Draal smiled at him. Even if it was a weak smile. "That way." Aaarrrgh pointed on the opening in cave. When they stepped in, they found the Merlin. "Merlin?" asked Draal as Aaarrrgh let him sit on the floor. Jim's stone from the amulet shined. Jim slowly walked to old body. Three light flew out from the stone and landed inside the body....
Merlin is awake.
"Holy, Merlin." gasped Toby. "It's really you!" Merlin turned to him with curiousity. "And just what kind of troll are you?" "I am not a troll, I am Toby." Merlin looked behind him. "And who is this lovely creature?" Claire giggled, while Blinky couldn't wait to introduce himself. Draal sat there, staring at the old person. 'It's. It's realy him! But how is that possible? And..... No. I won't ask him why I did not became the Trollhunter. It would only embarrasse me in front of him. Deya, I hope my father seeing this.' he thought for himself, but then, the own Merlin, who could mostly stand on his own, turned to him. "And who is this?" Draal realized that he stared for too long and looked on the other side in nervousness. Thankfully, Jim saved him. "That's Draal. Son of Kanjigar the Courag-" Jim was cut off by Merlin. "So that's that most important boy in one of my champion's live?" Draal's breath shaked as he looked shyly back. "W-what?" Merlin stepped to him, making him more nervous. "For Kanjigar, you was the most important troll in his entire live. And from what I heard, you wanted to become the Trollhunter after him, don't you?" Draal looked back on side shyly. "Um...." Merlin rolled his eye's and asked for his staff. Jim explained him what happened. Then Merlin made that strange joke and told him about his predicting the future. "Why were you sleeping in the first place?" asked Claire. Merlin told her about the cost after battle. Aaarrrgh stepped forward. "What battle?" "The Battle of Killahead." explained them Merlin. Draal looked back in surprise and tried to step to them, slowly. "Excuse me, your Wizardness, but Aaarrrgh, Draal and I were presented at the Killahead and neither of us noticed to seeing, you there." pointed Blinky on Merlin, make him nod. Draal meanwhile finally got to them just in moment, when Merlin started to open the ,,window to the past,,. They all arrived into the forest of the Killahead. When they walked through the battle, Draal watch in amaze his allies fight. He even thought he saw Nomura, but he lost her.... And there he was. His father, fighting with two Gumm-gumms at once. He stepped slowly to him, looking sadly. "Father..." he sighed. "I am sorry I was mad at you in sometime. I didn't know, I was so important to you. I am also sorry to you and all your predecessors for being turn to side of Gunmar. I hope you can forgive me." Draal stared at his father sadly. Jim came to him, putting hand on his shoulder. "I am sure, he knows that it wasn't your fault." Draal sighed, letting his head fall down.
Merlin lead them all to the ,,real battle of the Killahead,,. Aaarrrgh was helping Draal to walk, while Draal was covering his wound. Then, they saw them: Merlin fighting with Morgana. "This, was the real battle of the Killahead bridge." Jim was surprised, same as all. 'So the battle, where we all were trying to survive and where we lost most of our, was for nothing?' thought Draal, frowning confusely. Even when Merlin explained them it, Draal was still disappointed. 'So the battle was just a for distraction.' Merlin closed the window and they all appeared back in the cave. For Draal, it was enough to take. He was tired. He fainted. "Draal!" yelped Jim and run to him. Then the rumble.

Time skip.(+ message for Barbara)
From Jim: ,,We're all okay, Gunmar took the staff, Draal is back and we found Merlin.😁👍,,

Barbara looked up from her phone. "What is Draal?"...... After few minutes later, when everyone left, Barbara and Walter got another message.
From Jim: ,,Please make some free space in the basement and prepare first-aid kit. And if you could, prepare some old mattress with blanket's and make a fire in boiler, thanks.,,

After half an hour, in the backyard appeared Claire's portal. First stepped Jim. Barbara heard some noise outside and saw her son. She run to him. "Jim! You're back! Are you alright?" Jim laughted as Toby, Claire and Merlin stepped through. "I am fine, don't worry. You got my messages, right?" Barbara nodded and hugged him tightly. "Mom, you're embarrassing me in front Merlin." Toby and Claire giggled as Barbara let Jim out of her hug. "Sorry." Merlin stepped to Barbara. "You must be Jim's mother?" he bowed her. "Y-yes I am. Come in. Me and Walter prepared you bed on our sofa." Merlin nodded and stepped into the house. Then from the portal stepped Blinky. "Can we come in?" Barbara nodded slowly. "Sure."
Blinky disappeared for a brief moment and came back with Aaarrrgh, who was holding Draal. Barbara started to back away from two big trolls. "It's alright mom. They're my friends too. Aaarrrgh is a pacifist." calmed her Jim. Aaarrrgh nodded and give her a gentle smile "Hi.". Barbara calmed a little and looked behind the ,,Aaarrrgh,,. There was some light blue, spiked troll with giant horns and furious eyebrow's. Those eyebrow's seemed familiar to her. She was holding her chin, thinking. "Jim? Correct me if I am wrong, but I suppose that other one is that Draal, right?" Jim nodded, smiling nervously. "Yeah.... He... Uh.... Lived in our house some time." "WHAT?!" shouted Barbara, shocked. Jim raised his hands. "I-I will explain it later. Now we must get him to the basement. Did you prepared those blankets and the first-aid kit?" Barbara nodded slowly, wondering why was the basement so important and how is even possible that in their house lived a troll? When Aaarrrgh walked to the house, Barbara reminded herself again. "Honey? I don't think they will fit thro- (cracks!) -through the..... doors?" Barbara stood there like frozen, staring at the Aaarrrgh, who somehow came through the doors, followed by Blinky, Claire and Toby. "Let me gues. They have been in our house earlier, don't they?" Barbara looked on Jim, pointing at the doors. Jim chuckled, shrugging and followed them to the basement.

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