Regrets and Dr. Barbara in action

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That morning didn't start that well as Jim wished. Blinky and Aaarrrgh joined them in morning thanks the Horngazel to open their way through the canals. They came just in time for the beginning of the story.
Claire was a bit shocked, almost not eating her breakfast from Jim, while Toby felt a bit sorry for spiky troll, who stood near stairs with lowered head and Jim by his side.

„Can someone explain to me why is your basement looking like after attack of rainbow?“ asked Blinky before he saw Draal's body, still covered in colours. Merlin was apparently enjoying this morning show of woman scolding the bigger troll in front of her.

„Don't blame him mom. Draal explained his reasons to me. He trained me for the fight with Bular, sacrificed his arm to stop Gunmar's return and left his guard post to save us from the Darklands.“

Merlin finished his food and clapped sarcastically for Draal. „By what he helped Gunmar get out and start the eternal night. Bravo, son of the Trollhunter.“ Barbara rubbed the bridge of her nose.
Draal sighed.
„I know I done many mistakes. I can assure you that there is no while when I do not regret my failures.“ he almost whispered. Aaarrrgh placed his arm on Draal's shoulder.
„Changed. Better.“

„Indeed. I can tell that Draal did a big progress from his faults, and is worthy to say that he got, how do you call it, ah yes, a new shield.“ admitted Blinky with enthusiasm.
Barbara looked at Draal, who tapped with his fingers together. Walter was helping cleaning the mess in basement and after he was done, he asked right in the moment of Barbara's deciding.

„Barbara? You wouldn't mind if I took that portrait of me to my den, right?“ he asked as he hold the giant portrait of his Changeling profile by both arms. 
As the answer he got unamused looks and glares. Barbara sighed and waved her hand off at him. „We will deal with it later. Now I am dealing with bigger things than is your ego.“

Draal snickered slightly but glare from Barbara stopped him and send him back to floor staring.

Walter sighed and went to place the portrait back to basement with mutters about wasted talent and similarly.

Merlin rolled his eye's and clapped loudly his hands together. „Now. Can someone please take me to your nearest forge?“ Jim and Barbara changed same confused expressions.
Barbara turned back to Draal. „We will continue in this later, Draal. Now excuse me but I have to leave. It's too much.“ she took off her glasses and walked to her room.

Jim, Toby and Claire showed Merlin Jim's garage and trolls followed them. „No forge, no hearth, not even a single useful material.“ he kicked into Jim's vespa and Jim pushed him away while Blinky glared at Merlin.
„So, when you said that you have a safe lock in your staff, how long it will be kept, well, safe?“ asked Claire. „Depends on Gunmars cleverness. Few hours?“

„He surely already tried the spell of freeing Morgana, so now he would be searching for any hint of the key. Which means we should start to prepare.“ suggested Blinky but Merlin only rolled his eye's slightly and had arms on hips. „Are you always saying what is apparent? Yet you're right. But first I will need a few things to make sure we will be successful. I will write you a list.“

„How can I help?“ asked Draal but Merlin raised his finger at him. „You stay here and don't do anything. You already freed Gunmar, we don't need more problems.“ then a thought hit him. „Make yourself useful for once and guard this house. But don't mess up with anything during my time and listen me on the word.“

Draal looked surprised and with sad sigh he walked away. „Of course. I shall guard now.“ he went to stairs and Jim turned to Merlin.

„Why do you have to be so mean to him. He safed my life more than I can count and sacrificed his arm and health to proof his loyalty. He deserves a better acting from you!“

Merlin glared at him. „He caused the Gunmars return and dealed on rescuing Morgana. What do you expect me to do. Thank him and made him the Trollhunter for that?“ he snapped and handed them the list. „Now, be useful too and get me the things from the list if you want to survive future.“

Draal looked at himself in the mirror of his axe and sighed. He heard all what was said in garage.
Merlin was right. He is the shame to his kind. 
To his father.

More than once he walked around the house in circles while he was lost in thought's and didn't noticed Merlins curses from the garage.

He felt a slight bump on his shoulder and looked what was it. Barbara sat on the floor and reached for her phone which slipped away.

Draal reached his hand out to help her up. „Sorry. Are you alright?“
Barbara accepted his arm and nodded. „Yeah, I was just, um, lost in thought's. It means that-“

„I know what that means.“ interrupted her Draal and scratched his chest.
Barbara tried to put his arm away. „Don't do that! You will destroy your bandage. I mean, more than tomorrow.“ she pointed out on the colorful bandage from his yesterday's accident.
Draal lowered his head and fought urge to don't scratch. „It itches me.“

Barbara's mind acted immediately. „You must have got some of that paint under it. Go to kitchen and I will see what I can do.“
Draal raised his eyebrow. „But I must guard.“

„It won't take long.“ she assured him and led him to kitchen.
She told him to stay still while she took another bandages and aid kit from locker.
Then she removed his old bandage and started to clean the wound by disinfecting water carefully. Draal tensed a little and noticed the itching feeling going away and how gentle Barbara was.

„Why are you willing to help me? I thought you hate me.“ Barbara stopped and looked up at the confused giant.

She pushed her glasses deeper.
„I don't hate you. In some things I have heard about you I am not happy but that doesn't push away the fact that you have apparent bond with Jim. And that that you were protecting him and risked your own life for it. You protected him when I couldn't.“ she turned back to her work and started to apply the cream from Blinky who was willing to give her half of it.

„Now, lower yourself and stretch your arms so I can give you new bandages.“ ordered Barbara as she took out new bandages.
Draal tried do so. He was careful to not hit or broke anything around him. That was the stretching.
He knelt down by what he helped Barbara with wrapping him.

He stood up when she was done and bowed his head down. „Thank you.“
She nodded and went to throw away the old bandages.
„Of course. Is there anything else I can do?“
Draal thought and suddenly deep in his mind he realised and looked at her.

„Do you have anything to eat?“

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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