☻ ︎Pʀᴏʟᴏᴜɢᴇ/Aᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's Nᴏᴛᴇ/Bᴏᴏᴋ Iɴғᴏ. ☻︎

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a little note 5 years later ; 19/08/2024 

I wrote this in 2019. Don't know what I was thinking at 12, and I'm genuinely embarrassed at my writing skills, but I'll keep this up anyways. 

Wrote myself a lil' one-shot this year, with improved writing. Maybe check it out :)

- raa raa



He chuckled darkly as he strode towards me like a hungry predator, waiting for the right time to pounce on its prey. A shiny, silver dagger clenched in his sweaty palms. I froze, strands of hair shooting up behind my neck as I slowly backed away - even though I knew, as always, it wouldn't be much help anyway.

"You really shouldn't be messing with items that aren't yours, whore. Especially when it's something that isn't for you to learn yet, isn't that right?"

I saw my fucking name there.

"I said, isn't that right?!" He shouted, anger burning through his eyes. My back hit the wall as I quickly took a glance at the file sprawled on the floor. My breathing hitched as he suddenly smirked, raising the arm with the dagger near me.

"I should have fucking killed you when you stepped into this house, you ungrateful cunt!"


Rainbow Dash is an ordinary, young 17-year-old teenager attending CHS - Canterlot High School. With her group of friends by her side, which include Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and the "Twisters", Dash vowed to stand and stay loyal and give happiness towards them. Happiness she doesn't have.

You'd think that from all that brash, over-confident, egotistical behaviour; she's always satisfied and pleased with the way she's living. That she's happy with how her life it. Her having that attitude because something great in her life built all that.

Unfortunately, not for her case.

It's all just a mask.

Because for every hope of happiness she gets, it all comes crashing down from a few punches. Punches from someone she thought was supposed to care for her, love her, treat her like a proper father would.

Her friends are her happiness. But when she suddenly gets accused of something she did not commit, their friendship starts drifting away. Which leads to Soarin' Skies to bring up her spirt, break down all those high walls and maybe find secrets about Dash nor he or she should have known.

One thing comes after another. Drama, reunions, finding love in someone who she didn't expect to find, you name it.

Dash wonders how she hasn't broke yet.

A U T H O R ' S   N O T E


First of all, I'd like to say thank you for clicking on this book. This is my first one so I do apologize for any misspells and grammatical error. I will have to warn you, all the events that will be occurring in this book 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 be really dramatic. Dramatic but amazeballs.

I promise you, this will not be your typical "father-abuses-daughter" shit. There are many twists and plot-twist I am eager to write in later chapters. I would also like to say that there will be a lot of vulgar language due to the characters that are saying it and many sexual references and jokes.

There might be 1 or 2 sex scenes and "intimidating" poses. Some chapters might start with or end with the very beginning or end of sexual intercourse. There will be blood splatter and gore in this as well. The gore will be present later in the story. If you are uncomfortable with all of these then I suggest this book isn't for you to read.

I'm only a 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 young teenager so my imagination with these characters might be... different from what you would expect them to experience. All in all, I'm trying to make it not too dramatic yet trying to have a very interesting and different plot-line from others.

On a side note, even though I know nothing about American schools, this story takes place in California. So forgive me if the school days and holidays are a bit jumbled up.

C R I T I C I S M   A N D   H A T E

There is a 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 thin line between constructive criticism and hate. I do not, and I repeat, do not tolerate hate comments about my book or directed to me. I am only starting. But I do allow all you guys to give me constructive criticism and few tips or heads up on some spelling mistakes and errors.

I'm not sensitive, it's just I don't appreciate someone being hateful to one another. Especially when it's their first time writing. Like, what's the point?


I don't appreciate other writers taking some bits of events from my book. You may use them only if I give you my permission. If you don't, then I have no choice but to report you. I'm sorry. This book is all from my ideas from my head.

Copyright © raa_raa_reads, 2019.

That up there means a lot of words.

If you feel like there is a paragraph or action in my story that is very similar to the books you have read before, please PM me about it before you jump to conclusions that I 'copied' someone else's work.

Which I can guarantee you I would never do that.


As I have written in my Author's Note, this book has some Mature content including:

- Vulgar Language/Swearing
- Sexual Content
- Blood splatter and Gore
- Traumatic experiences and Triggers
- Rape and sexual assault
- Depression and physiological damage
- Lethal weapons and toxicity

^^ Most of these will be present in later chapters.


This isn't your cliché typical "Father-abuses-daughter" book. It may seem that way during the first few chapters, but trust me, after at least chapter 14 (𝗜 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸, 𝗹𝗼𝗹), it gets better. Again, there are many plot-twists.

This AU book has the same time-set and magical abilities as our EG series/movies. However, they are not coloured and are more humanised.

Please do read the Author's Note at the end of each chapter. They might give you hints or information and reminders.

After I have completed this book, I will go back and edit some bits of the main plot and sub-plots.

T H A N K   Y O U

Again, thank you for reading all the information above and clicking on this book. I promise I'll try my best to entertain you. You may now continue with this book.

ʀᴀᴀ ʀᴀᴀ sɪɢɴᴇᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ | ✔︎

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