4. A Brief History - Part 1

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Erwin Smith was the most popular soldier from the very beginning of his career. Although he began as a regular trainee, just like his comrades, he quickly gained the attention of his seniors for his enthusiasm in employing novel training and enemy scouting techniques and expert strategies. With his stern, unnerving personality, and straight-headed judgement, he went up the rank very easily and quickly.

Unlike his friends in the Military Police, he stayed faithful to the cause of humanity and unlike those in the Garrison, he stayed focused on the looming danger outside the walls.

His predecessor, Commander Keith Sadies, relied on him on many occasions to make the judgement call on the field, when faced with the fear of being eaten alive.

"How many today?" Dr. Gooden asked Erwin, squeezing his shoulder. This old man was the only person who saw the effect that the loss of his comrades had on him. "We lost three of us today," he informed with a heavy heart, "one got severely hurt. Fell of her horse. If Mike wasn't quick, we would have lost her too."

"Oh, how fortunate!" the doctor said, as two soldiers carried Nanaba inside the ward. "Come on in, Smith" he called Erwin, "I'd like you to meet someone."

"Dr. Tubrey," Dr. Gooden called out a name as he entered the medical ward of the Scout's base. Erwin followed him inside. "This is.. oh, you've started looking into her wound?"

"Of course, Dr. Gooden. She's bleeding out," a woman's voice surprised Erwin. She was in a doctor's coat, with a surgical mask pulled down from her face and she was looking into Nanaba's wounded leg.

"Hey, Nanaba, right?" she spoke to the injured soldier in front of her, "listen, you gotta stay calm. Your ankle's a little twisted and I'm gonna fix it. When I say 'ready', get ready for one second of atrocious pain and then it'll be fine."

"Hey, sister, let it be," Nanaba yelped in pain as she merely touched her ankle.
"No can do, sister. We'll have to stop the bleeding soon after. If you wanna survive, just cooperate, okay? I don't think the Scouts can lose another one."

Mike barged in as soon as she had stopped speaking, looking like he just came in to check. He sniffed awkwardly as he acknowledged the new doctor. "Hey," he looked away and waved at Nanaba, his facial expression swiftly changing from casual to concerned. The doctor at work was quick to notice.

"You can hold someone's hand if you want," she said to Nanaba getting back to the ankle. Mike came forward, offering his hand. "Okay," she said again, suddenly sounding very sympathetic. She pulled her mask back to her face and lowered her face to the sapping wound. "3.. 2.. 1.." Nanaba could only hear her muffled sound as she patiently waited for the 'ready', "ready."

And, in a split second, she twisted the ankle back to its original form. Nanaba cried out in pain, squeezing her boyfriend's hand.

The doctor was gone before she could thank her. She came back in a couple of seconds with medical gauge, bandages, needle and thread in her one hand and a water basin in the other. Dr. Gooden pushed a stand towards her to put the things down and she rushed back to get something else. One of the nurses in the ward was about to help her, but he stopped him.

"Hey, it still hurts," Nanaba demanded of her, "you said it'd be one second."
"Yeah, I'm getting you something. Drink this." She handed her a vial of clear liquid and Nanaba drank it down. "God, that.. woah!" Nanaba soon passed out from the strong sedative, allowing the doctor to clean up, stitch and dress the wound in peace. Mike had left as soon as she assured him that the liquid was only a sedative and that his girlfriend would be wide awake as soon as it wears off. Erwin and Dr. Gooden stood in a corner and watched. The old doctor was mesmerized by how quick she acted.

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