9. True Nature

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"Yes, it's okay," Aura whispered into her husband's mouth, as she struggled with the buttons on his crisp white shirt. The wedding started mellow, and ended on a high note, with everyone becoming aware of the Smiths expecting a child. Their colleague and friend, Sherridan Davos, had played a beautiful song at the piano, for the couple's first dance. Erwin had used all the opportunities he could, to tell his bride how much he loved her and to hold her close to himself.

By the end of the reception, he was drunk and drooling over his wife, repeating time and again as to how lucky he was to have her. It was funny for the Cadets to watch their Commander sky-high and dancing with his wife.

"You're so smart," they overheard him complimenting her in the middle of the party, "you designed a way to get my arm to grow back. I just.. Aura, I just wish my arm grows back in time for me to hold our baby. That way, you wouldn't have to do all the work by yourself."

"I just don't want to hurt you," Erwin said, with a pout as Aura continued with her quest for sex. They were in the Commander's chamber at the Palace. "You wouldn't.." she stopped midway, as he looked up at her, his eyes filled with lust.

"I need you," was all that he had to say to get Aura to start working on his clothes again. He stank of alcohol as he spoke to her, with his head buried in her neck. But, Aura was too eager to consummate the marriage, if that is how she had to put it. She had sat herself across his legs on a chair and started to dress him out of his wedding suit.

"You looked absolutely numbing today," he whispered softly, breathing in her scent, "I couldn't take my eyes off you. Neither could I look at you directly without blushing. Oh, look at me! I'm still blushing. What are you doing to me? Is this one of the romantic novels you read? Are we the protagonists?"

"Okay," Aura laughed out, holding his face up, "you're very, very drunk, aren't you? Let's go, sleep." She stood up and pulled him by his hand. He stood up too, still very dizzy and latched onto his wife's shoulder. "I love you, baby girl," he whispered as she walked him to the bedroom, "I can't imagine my life without you. I don't ever want to be away from you. Ever, okay?"

"Yes, of course." Aura put him down on the bed and was about to leave to change her clothes. But, he pulled her back to the bed with him. "Mmm.." he moaned into her mouth, as he kissed her, his fingers in her hair.

"Did you think you can take that dress off by yourself? Don't you want your husband to see how beautiful you looked without it?"He put his lips back on hers without waiting for an answer. The reciprocating lust in her eyes was enough answer for him.

His hand explored behind her, trying to find the zipper of her wedding dress. When he did, he used all his strength to pull it down, freeing her body from the tight dress she had been in the entire day.

"Lie down," he patted the bed beside him as she discarded the fabric. She complied and he bent over her to kiss her lips. "Now, remember," he squeezed in some words in between smooches, "if you ever feel like I'm hurting you, you just have to tell me. I'll stop." "Why are you sounding exactly like the first time we slept together?" she asked, blushing. "This is the first time we're sleeping together," he replied, smiling, "as Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

He heaved down on her again, sinking his teeth in her bottom lip. "Mmmm.." she moaned, as he took his lips to trail down to her neck. Taking just a little bit of her flesh in between his teeth, he sucked at the skin, wishing to leave a mark behind. He remembered her speaking against it, but did not know how to stop.

When she did not forbid him, he continued. He soon left the skin at her neck, leaving the mark he had desired to see on her, and trailed down to her breasts. Her breath hitched as he rolled his wet tongue over one of her nipples and went around it, trailing a circle with it. "Oh, Erwin," she moaned, breathing his name out in a soft murmur. He took it as a cue and shifted to her other breast, without taking his tongue off her, even for once.

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