10. Memories from a different person

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Aura was asked to stay at the chamber of the Doctor, while the higher-ups were to decide what to do about the situation. Pixis and Zacharly were seated in Erwin's office, discussing it over. Hange and Levi had joined too, as commanded by their superior.

"Hange," Erwin addressed her first, "I believe you interrogated Aura yesterday? Did you collect any valuable information?"
"Umm.." she hesitated, "I did. She told me that.."

"Tell us about her powers," the Commander-in-chief demanded.

"Umm.. so.. the hammer you saw, was actually made out of her own skin," the Section Commander informed, "according to her, she can form many such weapons from her hands, just like that - a hammer, a sword, bow and arrows, and whatever else. Also, she said something really interesting. She remembers her father, who was the previous holder of this power, talking about controlling the Titan without actually being inside it."

"Can she do that too?" Erwin's ears were suddenly attentive.
"She has never tried. In fact, yesterday was only the second time she transformed."
"What else?"

"Umm.. she wants to help in Shiganshina. So.. she's up for undergoing ODM gear training and practicing in her Titan form, alongside Eren."
"Do you recommend it," Levi asked, looking the Survey Corps Commander straight into the eyes, "Hange?"

"Considering that she wouldn't put only herself in risk, but also the baby inside her?"

Erwin looked away. He did not expect his successor to come up with an answer. He couldn't come up with one either. He knew what Levi was trying to do, and it was only expected of him to want Aura to be careful.

"We should look into the possibility of her controlling the Titan from far away," Commander Pixis intervened, "let's see what's the furthest she can be while controlling the Titan, and how long that holds up. Erwin, use Eren's Titan and train them together. You know, you don't have much time before you have to go."

The meeting adjourned quickly. The old men left for Mitras again, and Erwin kept Hange and Levi for further planing. "Levi, I entrust you with the gear training," he commanded, "she's determined, she'll learn quickly. And, Hange, I want you to look after the Titan training. Train her like you did Eren, only.. not so hard, maybe. If, by the end of three weeks, she isn't ready, we'll take Eren alone. Let her know it's non-negotiable."

"Can you not tell her?" Levi demanded, his arms crossed at his chest.
"No," he answered, "and you should do as you're told, without questioning the line of command."

They were soon dismissed. As Hange was about to walk out of the door, Erwin stopped her. "I was wondering," he started awkwardly, "did she mention something like the Transformability being the reason for Arthur's death?"

Hange did not know what to say. She could finally realize why Aura decided to keep this a secret. "Umm.. maybe you guys should talk, you know."
Erwin sighed. "We will. But, could you fill me in on this please? You sound like you know something that I don't."

Urgency surged through Erwin's veins as he ran from his office to the doctor's chambers on the ground floor. All the grief that had piled up, ran out of his bloodshot eyes, impossible to wipe off his face. Standing in front of the door, he struggled to rub them off. Hange's words had come to him like a shock. His entire existence seemed to be shattering around him as the words rolled off her tongue, "she won't live beyond 12 more years." He deserved to know. He deserved to be told the truth.

He pushed the door open, in an attempt to make a dramatic entry. But his wish to surprise his wife remained as a wish. He only surprised Sherridan who sat at the table, catalouging the drugs they had designed for the soldiers who would be wounded in Shiganshina. "Good God," she shifted in her chair, to face him, "oh Commander! Umm.."

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