Miss You Already

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"Hello?" I whisper from my sleeping bag. Someone is unzipping the door to my tent and it's the middle of the night. I'm terrified. "Umm who's there?"

"It's me, silly." Sven says as he climbs in through the door.

"Oh my god, Sven! You scared the shit out of me!" I say as I take a deep breath. I'm sleeping in a tent all alone and I jump at every noise I hear. We're camping with Sven's family and his parents won't let us share a tent, which is understandable and unfortunate.

"I'm sorry." Sven says sweetly as he crawls over to me. He uses a flashlight to find me in the dark. He has his messy bedtime hair, which I love.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask quietly.

"I just wanted to see you." Sven tells me. "I'm kinda cold actually. Are you willing to share that sleeping bag?"

"Sven! You can't be in here. Your brothers are in the tent right next to mine. They're gonna here you in here and we'll get in trouble." I try warning my boyfriend, but he doesn't seem to care. He slides into the sleeping bag and snuggles up next to me. His body is so warm against mine and I love it. He doesn't say anything as he runs his fingers through my hair. "You can only stay for a little bit, okay?"

"Okay." Sven replies as he pulls me into a kiss. The kiss starts out slow, but picks up fast. I wiggle my way around the sleeping bag so that I'm on top of him. In the dark I somehow manage to take off Sven's shirt. He doesn't resist me at all. I kiss my way down his neck and chest. I'm not sure why I'm doing this. I know I should make him leave, but at the same time I never want him to leave. Sven moves his hands down my sides and stops at my shorts. He begins to slide my shorts down my legs when we hear rumbling outside the tent. I hear the snapping of twigs and leaves and whispering from outside my door. I freeze in place and do everything in my power not to make a sound. I take one hand and cover Sven's mouth so that nobody can hear his heavy breathing.

"Sven?" Sven's brother calls from outside the tent door. We don't answer. "y/n?"

"What? Who is that?" I reply in a fake sleepy voice. I want it to seem as though I just woke up.

"Is Sven in there with you? He's not in our tent and I can't find him." His brother tells me.

"Nope. It's just me in here. I'm sure Sven just went to the bathroom or something. Don't worry too much." I say, hopefully convincingly.

"Yeah. You're probably right. Go back to sleep, y/n. Sorry for waking you up." His brother says to me.

"No problem. Goodnight!" I say through the tent walls. I hear his brother walk back to his tent. I wait until I'm 100% his brother is back in bed before I say a word to Sven.

"That was a close call." Sven whispers as he begins to kiss my neck.

"No, no, no." I say as I push Sven away from me. "Babe, we can't do this again. You've gotta back to your tent."

"But I want to stay here with you." Sven says in his best pouty voice. He knows it's my weakness.

"I want you to say with me too, but it's too risky. We were like 5 seconds away from your brother hearing us have sex. How awkward would that be?" I explain to Sven.

"I know you're right, but that doesn't change that fact that I want to stay here with you all night." Sven tells me. I kiss him quickly.

"I love you, now go." I tell him.

"Finnnnnne. I love you." Sven says. He kisses me one last time and then exists my tent. "I miss you already."

"I miss you." I reply as Sven zips the tent door closed and leaves me all alone again.

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