Chapter 8

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Okay, I have a new POV!

Well, 2 new POVs but, who's counting?

Because if time difference and everything, the first POV is based in chapter 6.

You will understand later...


I updated!





So... Tell me what you think!


Still no?



Baii 4 now!


Anna's POV!

I can't believe that sl*t!

When I asked her to get into the closet with John, I thought she would deny it!

And afterwards when he held her hand?


Vernia is such a freak!

And she is a boyfriend stealer!

Well, ex-boyfriend stealer but still!

I HAD to make things right! So I went over to Johns house to... play around a bit...

*knock knock*

The door opened and there stood Mr Handsome!

He looked as gorgeous as ever!

He HAD to be mine!

"What are you doing here?" John asked, a harsh sound in his voice.

"I'm just here to apologise... About being so mean about Vernia and you about the closet and everything." I said, stepping closer to him.

"I shouldn't of paired you up with her. You can do so much better." I continued as I leaned towards him to kiss him.

He backed away, pushing me far apart from him.

"Look, Vernia is actually really cool! I was gonna ask her out actually..." He said, honestly.

I sighed, pretending to be sad but inside me, I was very jealous.

I twirled my curly, blonde hair between my fingers.

"Don't you need to study or something?" I asked, a plan in mind.

"Well... We do..." He rubbed the back if his neck with his hand and sighed.

"Text her." Those two words slipped out of my mouth, harmlessly. As if I wasn't thinking bad thoughts about Vernia.

"Huh?" He asked, confusion in his eyes.

"Text her, asking to go out on a study-date-type-thing. I will drive you there!" I responded.

"Um... Okay." He grabbed his phone and started texting.

This was gonna be fun!

We got out of the car and walked to the dairy.

"We should get back together." I mentioned, looking at some flowers.

"What?!?!" He asked.

"Me and you. We were brilliant together. We should get back together." I explained, looking into his eyes.

all of the above (On Hold, sorry)Where stories live. Discover now