chapter 2

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I looked into his sparkling eyes. Everything was silent. I had never seen him this close up before. We looked at each other for a while but it seemed like forever. My knees were going wobbly, my palms were becoming sweaty, my heart was pounding and my face was burning up.

It was a matter of seconds before i realised i was blushing. *damn cheeks* i thought to myself. I looked away, feeling shy.

"Hey, your in my English class." he broke the silence.

"Yea" i said in my little voice, still a bit speechless.

"um... Vernia, rite?"

"yea" my voice sounded drowned out by the people talking in the hallways around me. I can't believe he knows my name! Its a dream come true!

He, then, gave me my books and stood up.

"why were you running in the hallway?" he asked, holding his hand out to help me up.

"you know how teachers can be, didn't want to be late." I said, taking his hand and leaping up. We started walking towards class. Everyone suddenly got zoned out, all i was thinking of was John.

"what about you? I would of expected you to be with the populars and the rugby team." i said hoping that he would answer.

"promice you wont tell?" He asked. Is this really happening? Is my true love, the one whom i admire gonna tell little old me a secret?

"I swear I wont tell." I said truthfully.

"Well..." he began "I was running away"

"From who?" I curiously asked

"From Ana. See, she dumped me."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." I didn't care about making a move now. I was feeling sympathetic for John.

I saw a single tear drop roll down his cheek. He was disapointed about what happened.

"I didn't know either. She didn't have a reason or anything. I've never been dumped before. Now everyone in the populars and the rugby team think im an outcast now. I got kicked off the rugby team as well and i don't have any more friends."

"I will be your friend." I say sheepishly.

He stopped walking and looked at me. I regret what i said now. He had his eyes drawn to me, like he was concentrating.

He then walked up to me and out of nowhere, he hugged me. I didn't know what to do at first then i hugged back.

"Thanks," He said, pulling away from the hug.

"no problem" I replied. I was jumping around inside, like a bottle of coke, about to burst.

On the outside i kept cool, but deep down inside of me, i knew, i had been hugged by my crush...

all of the above (On Hold, sorry)Where stories live. Discover now