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Chapter 9

"You're calling my name
but I gotta make clear" - Aerosmith

"Seniors pay ATTENTION!" Mrs. Kingsley yells.

No one really respected the lady because everyone was still talking. Surprisingly even I was starting to get annoyed. Nevermind that thought if these talkative bitches kept it up we wouldn't have to go back to class.

After, this senior get together or whatever they called it we'd have one class left to go to. It was in the middle of the day and we've already had lunch so everyone's attention span was as small as seeing a ant piss on cotton.

I didn't know why they thought to gather us in the bleachers of the gymnasium. A crowd of people sitting together made this whole room ten times hotter. Shit if this crap was so important they should've had us meet up in the auditorium.

They knew that all of you lazy fuckers would fall asleep. Especially in a place with air conditioning

True, especially after eating what they called
"proper lunch" here.


The sudden change of voice made most of us go quiet but of course there's always a class clown.

Brock Lochte was the douche of the whole school or at least he thought he was. I'd never give that son of a bitch that much credit.

"Rock!" Mr. Stark yells causing even Mrs. Kingsley to jump in freight from standing right next to him.

Poor lady I bet her ear drums were bursting

"That's not how you pronounce my name-"

"Did you not just hear what I said?" He questioned.

One of the students from the bleachers rose their hand to answer him. Of course it was Matthew the lesser brains of the whole school. I'm so serious he was way below me when it came to counting IQ's and that's sad for me to say.

Mr. Stark sighs ignoring Matt's hand in the air.

"No I didn't hear," Brody said.

"I'm going to say this one time If you miss any of these important dates that Mrs. Kingsley is trying to show you so help me god you're not walking across that fucking stage not on my watch so do us all a favor and shut your mouth!" He hissed.

Everyone in the room instantly got even more quiet while I was too busy laughing my ass off.

From him yelling at Brock to Mrs. Kingsley facial expression after he said that sent me.

Mr. Stark was definitely different than most principals as you can see he really didn't care what anyone thought about him and that's why many liked him.

"Skylar." He scolded me as Harper punched my shoulder trying to get me to stop laughing. While Ryder on the other hand sunk down further in the bleachers.

When people got into trouble I was always the first person to laugh especially when Mr. Stark yelled at someone.

I didn't know why everyone else was so suprised when he cursed because he did that all the time. I recall on multiple occasions when he cursed me out for doing stupid shit.

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