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Okay. Before we get to the actual story, I'm going to give you some information about it so you won't get confused later on, hopefully.

So, the Night Dreamers are creatures that roam the night. They are white creatures with flame like heads (which move like flames do, but only the tip). Their torso also have this effect, slightly. Their arms/ hands are very flame like, also their legs/feet. The very tip of the flames on their body are a light blue hue.

Now let me talk about their face. They have big eyes, but there are no pupils, it's just filled with a color (their eyes come with different colors, except white, so they're a bit distinct). They have no eyebrows. They do have a mouth, but the mouth is only show-able when they open it. (Sort of like No Face from Spirited Away)

So, these Night Dreamers, they have powers. One of their powers are flames. They can shoot flames out of their hands. Their flames are a strong blue color and can shoot at a very far distance, well, depends on how strong they are. Their other power is shape shifting. *Oh, no! They're powerful!*
Yes, they can shape shift. They can turn themselves into anything. Living things or nonliving things. Once they have turned into something, their powers will be useless. Well, they do have their powers, but they will transform back to their original state.
So, once they're transforming, their eyes glow white. So, that means in their transformed state, their camouflaged eyes will also glow white when they use their flame powers. (They also transform back to their original form)

Here's some other random information on them. Their intelligence are low. Their body flames do no damage, unless the Night Dreamers decide to do damage. They live in the shadows, because sunlight harms them.

Now to talk about special Night Dreamers. They have very high intelligence and their powers are more enhanced than the regular ones. They also have the ability to speak. If they want to, they could command the average Night Dreamers. Here's something about these special Night Dreamers' shape shifting powers. They can transform into a human that doesn't even exist!

Extra information that should've been here earlier: the story revolves around a boy named Frederick. That is all I'm going to say.

So, this is the end of the prologue! Now you know about the Night Dreamers! Well, you should have some knowledge on them since they are in the title of the story. Be prepared for the next chapter. Which will technically be the first of the actual story. I will probably do that in a couple of days because I have school.

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