Chapter 3: Berries

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We made it back to the cabin with three baskets full of berries. The day has started to fall as we entered the cabin.

"Ya made it back!" exclaimed Hank.

"Yep!" I replied.

We went to the kitchen area and placed the baskets full of berries onto the table.

"I think I can make a pie with these berries. Well, blueberry pie, since they are blueberries. What do you guys think?" I asked them.

"Oooh, yes!!! I LOVE blueberry pie!!!!" Cathy shouted in glee.

"I do love me some blueberry pie," commented Hank.

"It does sound delightful, go ahead," said Jenny.

"Yeah, that's better than just berries," said Kei.

"Um. I've never had blueberry pie before. But, if everyone agrees, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try some?" said Lily, unsure.

"Don't 'cha worry one little bit; once ya try it, you'll love it!" Hank reassured Lily.

"Oh, ok," replied Lily.

"Okay. Time to make a blueberry pie." I mumble to myself.

I went into the cupboards in my kitchen and grabbed some ingredients, baking tools, and the pre-made pie crust I made the day before. Before I started to mix the ingredients together, I preheated my oven.

I mixed the ingredients, poured the berries mixture on top of the pie crust, and dotted some butter on it as well. Once I finished, I placed the pie into the oven. It should be ready in about 50 minutes, or so. So I decided to kill time with my new friends.

"So, while the pie is baking in the oven, want to have a chat?" I asked them.

They all agreed.

"So, Frederick? Do you have any parents?" Jenny asked me.

Okay. Personal questions first. I don't mind that at all.

"Well, I don't have any parents. I just know the cabin and myself." I answered.

"Really? Then how come the Night Dreamers didn't attack you for your entire life?" Jenny asked me.

"Well, um. I don't know. I guess I sort of avoid them and they just see me as a friend since I haven't attacked them and they've seen me for so long." I answered.

"That seems pretty neat," Cathy remarked.

"I never knew the Night Dreamers could recognize us as a friend," stated Lily.

"Well, they don't. What if you are a Night Dreamer, Frederick? If that is your real name?" Kei growled at me. He pulled out his sword and pointed at me with it.

"Hey, hey! Don't 'cha be assuming things, Kei!" Hank told Kei.

"Well, I don't want all of you to be in danger!" shouted Kei.

"Umm..." I muttered.

"But, we don't know that for sure," said Lily.

"Yeah! C'mon, Kei, just relax. You assumed Lily was one because she was able to avoid a lot of Night Dreamers back in town." said Cathy.

"W-what?" I asked quietly.

"Also, why would a Night Dreamer protect me from those flames back there on the path?" added Jenny.

Kei looks frustrated by his team ganging up on him. "Ugh! I'm trying to make sure you're all safe and you're all trying to protect the possible enemy here!" steamed Kei.

"HEY!" I shouted to break the tension in the room. They all looked at me.

Oh, boy. What should I say?

"I-I'm...not a Night Dreamer, ok?" I stuttered.

"Really? Prove it!" Kei glared straight at me.

I didn't think things would escalate this high...

"If I was a Night Dreamer, wouldn't I have already burned all of you, or at least tried to?" I asked him.

"You could be one of Damatra's members!" Kei argued.

"But, I've never heard of them before you told me about them," I said, trying to hold back my sadness.

"You could be lying!" Kei argued.

"Why would I lie? You guys are the first friends I've ever had!" I said louder than I expected with a crack in my voice.

Kei looked guilty. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have accused you of being a Night Dreamer or a member of Damatra." Kei apologized. He placed his sword back into his scabbard.

I gave him a small smile. "I forgive you, Kei." I decided to run towards him. "HUUUUUUUGGG!!!!" I screamed.

"NOPE!!!" he blocked me with his hand against my forehead. "NO HUGS!!" he protested.

"Awww...." I said in defeat.

Cathy walked up behind me and placed her left hand on my right side. "It's alright, Frederick. He's just not a hugger. But, hey, the rest of us are!!!"

"YAAAAYY!!!" I screamed in delight.

"Oh, come here, you!!!" screamed Cathy.

"Hahaha!!" I laughed.

"Hehehehe!!!" she laughed with me.

We start to notice the sweet aroma from the pie. Soon, we hear the alarm telling us the pie is ready.

"Ooh, the pie's ready!" I stated. I broke free from my hug with Cathy and head to the kitchen. I put on my oven mitts and opened the oven to grab the pie out from it. Man, it smells so good! I head over to the dining room and place the pie on the table. The others come into the dining room and sat at the table. I walked back into the kitchen to grab plates, forks, and a knife from the cabinets. After I grabbed those, I head back to the dining room and give each of them a plate and a fork, I also place a plate and a fork at my seat. I sliced the pie and gave everyone a slice, Lily got a smaller one since she's not sure how it'll taste. I also gave myself a slice and walked to my seat, right next to Kei.

"Ugh. Why did you decide to sit next to me?" Kei asked.

"Because, I want to fix our friendship!" I answered.

"Whatever," he replied.

"Man, this pie tastes sooo good!" remarked Hank.

"O-oh, thank you, Hank!" I thanked him.

"No, thank you for making such a delicious pie." he thanked back.

"It was nothing," I replied. "So, um. Since you asked me some questions, is it okay if I asked all of you some questions?" I asked them.

"No problem, it is fair, after all," replied Jenny.

"Ok, then can you tell me how all of you grouped up together?" I asked them.

Yay! A cliffhanger! Everybody LOVES those, am I right? Well, do not worry my fellow geeks, the next chapter may come out tomorrow. *Looks around* Oh wait, there isn't a big crowd here, which means I don't have a big fan base. Oh, well! I will still do this, even if there aren't many people! I don't even think people will even read the author part.

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