Chapter 15

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Hi guys! So I don't usually do this but I like to dedicate this chapter to 'love-me-clifford' cause she/he suggested that I should make my chapters a bit longer and I thought why not? Lol anyway happy reading.


Britney's POV.

Niall and I arrive to their tour bus filled with dirty clothes and foods. ew


"Here" Niall handing me a jar of Vegemite.

"Thanks" I said accepting the jar.

"So......well thanks for this, I have to go" I said akwardly ready to go.

"Wait Britney are you really going to treat me like we didn't know each other?" he said in a whisper.

"I-I don't know Niall" I said looking down.

"Oh Ok I understand it was all my fault after all" he said guiltly as nodded.

"Its ok but I'm still not forgiving you" I said one last time before walking off going seeing Luke with a frown and I just shrug it off.


"Pssht Britney" I heard someone said as I groan.

"Pssht Briteny wake up!" The voice whisper yell as I sit up seeing Megan.

"What the hell Meg!" I almost yell.

"Sshhh quiet down the girls might here you" she said and I give her a questioning look.

"Can we talk?" She ask as I snorted.

"We are talking dumbass" I said chuckling.

"I mean can we talk somewhere just not here" she said as I frown my brow.

"What? Why? Wait where's the boys?" I ask confused all of the sudden.

"I'll tell you later and they just got out to fill up someone papers I don't know but they'll be back" she said as I sigh in relief.

"Ok, now follow me" I said standing up Megan following.

We are now here outside of the tour bus trying to make a sound and lucky we didn't.

"Ok what do you wanna talk about?" I said straightly as she sigh for the millionth times.

"Well I don't know about this but I-I....I-" she trailed off as I impatiently waiting gor her to finish.

"W-well I-I th-think I-I'm Pregnant" she said looking down with a sigh seriously what's with the sig-wait! What?!

"What?!" I said almost a shout.

"I said I think I-I'm P-reg-" she aaid but I cut her off.

"You can't be! Did you take a pregnacy test yet?" I said whisper yell.

"N-no" she replied looking down.

"Come on" I said grabbing her by the arm.

"To where?" She ask dumbly as roll my eyes.

"To the pharmacy" I said.

"But what if we get lost?" She said causing me to facepalm.

"Right....." I said thinking for something.

*15 minutes later"

"Ah I know!" I blurted out causing Megan to jump.

"What?" Meg said frowning.

"I could call Niall and ask him to drive us to the pharmacy" I said smiling.

"Good idea-wait! Niall?" She said with wide eyes.

"Yeah" I said grabbing my phone.

"You're kidding" she said chuckling as I dial Niall's number.

"Ello" I heard those familliar irish accent.

"Hey Niall its Britney!" I said smiling.

"Wait Britney? I thought you already deleted my number well wow" he said.

"Well I didn't and I need your help right now its type Z" I said remembering the old times.

"What happened? Where are you?" He said shock filled on his voice.

"Just come here at the 5sos's tourbus, we'll meet you and please be quiet" I said.

"Ok" He said.

"And Niall?" I said smiling.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Thank you" I said smiling.

"Anytime Britney anytime" he said before hanging up.


Lalalalala sing a happy song.

I was watching Smurf while writing this. Lol anyway hope you like this chapter.

Vote,comment and stay beautiful lav ya!

-Chelsea :*

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