Chapter 22-Safe

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Nick's POV

She responds to my comment and then looks up from her phone. We make eye contact from across the room and I smirk. She just rolls her eyes and walks away.

"What is up with you and y/n? Just make your move already!'" Edwin laughs, punching my arm.

"Well, I was going to but she just challenged me so-"

"So now you're going to be stubborn and miss out on a really good opportunity?" He cuts me off.

I clench my jaw. "I hate you when you're right." 

"Then you must hate me all the time." He shrugs and walks away.

I look around but I don't know where y/n is. I decide to text her so we're not chasing each other.

Mara 😘

Hey Ma, where'd you go?

 I know she has her phone, and I know she's been answering texts because she's been on it a lot tonight. I ask each of the boys if they've seen her and none of them know where she is.

"Yo, have you seen y/n?" I ask Leah, now frantic.

" and her just went upstairs together." She laughs.

"What? No. I've been down here the whole time."

"Then who the heck is she with right now!" Leah turns and runs up the stairs.

⚠️Rape Warning⚠️


He hovers over me as the tears roll down my face. It's like he has no idea any of this was happening. It's like he sees it as just a normal night, whereas I'm afraid and crying. 

He hasn't taken anything off of me or him, but he's kissed me...a lot. 

He continues to kiss my neck and when he realizes I'm not getting the slightest satisfaction, he stops and looks at me.

"Why are you so stubborn?" He smirks, pressing my wrists harder into the mattress. "Don't be a tease." 

"P-p-lease. I-I j-just-" I stutter, trying to catch my breath. 

"Shut up." he slaps my face and sits up, straddling me. "Just give me what I want and we can be done." He shrugs and takes off his shirt.

I start screaming as he removes more clothing off of his body and begins to remove mine. He doesn't even attempt to cover my mouth, only kisses me to cause breaks in the screams. 

And soon, my screams change from cries of help, to cries for Nick. 

Thankfully, this works.

The door is kicked open, and I see Nick and the rest of the boys.

I turn to look at Nick and his face is flooded with rage. He shakes his head and slowly walks over to the guy that is now straddling me with a look of worry on his face.

"What are you doing with my girlfriend?" Nick asks simply.

"Yo, I didn't know she was yours I just-" he's silenced by Nick punching him.

Nick then tackles him to the ground and Leah covers me with the blankets on the bed. The other boys jump in on the fight until Leah makes them break it up.

"Get him out before I kill him!" Nick yells as Edwin and Austin hold him back. 

I see the anger on Brandon and Zion's faces as they take the guy out of the room.

Leah glances from me to Nick and nods for Austin and Edwin to leave. She follows them out of the room and I'm left with Nick. 

He just stares at the door for a few seconds and then turns to me. The anger in his features softens.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

I begin to sob harder than I already was as he holds me and kisses my forehead.

"N-n-n-ick, h-he..." my voice trails of into sobs that cause my whole body to shake.

"Hey, Mamas, it's gonna be okay. You're safe now." He kisses my forehead and leads me out of the room.

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