chapter 1

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Camila's pov (your pov):

I really feel like I am at a good state in mind where I can just be me without being judged. These past few months have been great. I am in a healthy relationship and I think I'm in love. For the first time in my life, I'm in love with someone that I know loves me back. Everyone around me is happy - my best friend, Hector, and his girlfriend, Stacy, my boyfriend, Micah. It just amazing how life is finally coming together, so I thought.

I'm just chilling in my room and I get a call from Hector

*our phone conversation*

Hector: bro you won't believe what Stacy just did.

Camila(you): What happened? Are you good? You're scaring me!!!

Hector: you have to promise me you won't get mad.

Camila: Just tell me *yelling at him*

Hector: I was on my way to Stacy's house to go and chill with her *takes a long pause*

Camila: And?

Hector: And I pull up to her driveway and I see a car that I've never seen before. Guess who it is?

Camila: Who is it?

Hector: It's Micah. So I walk to the front door and unlock it *Stacy gave you her house key before when they both got really serious* and I see her making out with Micah. She then starts trying to explain what is happening so I just take her house key, threw it to Micah and said: "now she's your problem! and I'm definitely telling Camila"

Camila: You're lying, right?

Hector: I swear, that's exactly what happened

Camila: Ok I'll talk to you later *starts crying and then hangs up the phone*

*still Camila's pov:

I actually wanna die right now.

*end of Camila's pov*

Hector's pov:

I can't believe that they would ever do that to me and Camila. We both were invested in our relationships. I had a feeling that Micah could do that and I tried warning Camila multiple times but she's just so stubborn, but I never would've thought that Stacy was capable of that. Is this all my fault? Did I fall for a cheater? I thought she loves me back but she doesn't even care about how I feel about her. She hasn't even called me yet.

*end of Hector's pov*

Camila's pov:

I don't even know how to feel right now. When Hector told me, I was just in denial but once he swore I knew that he was telling the truth. I knew he would never lie to me because he's my best friend and the only person that I trust. All I could do is cry and that is exactly what I did for the rest f the day.

*end of Camila's pov*

Author's Notes (a/n):

This is the first time I ever wrote a story so it may seem a little trash but please leave me feedback because I will always be opened to trying new things and listening to your amazing suggestions and please vote for this book. Also, I won't be able to be posting every day but I will try to be consistent and make at least 2 new chapters each week, if not even more.

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