chapter 3

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{Khalil in media}

*the next day (time for the date)*

Camila's pov:

I'm so nervous for this date. I think I'm gonna call Hector to cool me down. Did I even tell him about the date? OMG I didn't tell my best friend. I gotta call him asap.

*Calls Hector*
Once Hector answers the phone he says "What do you want dummy?" Then Camila responds saying "Nice to talk to you too!" with sarcasm in her voice. "oh yeah, hey". Camila tells him her plan "Well, I'm going on a date with Micah. I can't believe I didn't tell you." "What?!?! Why the fuck would you do that?" was all that could come out of Hector's mouth in shock. "Well I wanted to confront him in person. It will be more satisfying if I do it on his face instead of over the phone."
"You are actually crazy but if you want, I can come with you for support." Hector knew he had to help her because she's his best friend and he has to protect from dudes like Micah. "OMG that is perfect. Meet me at the mall in about twenty. I'm about to head out to pick Micah up. see you later." "See you. Love ya bye"

*still Camila's pov*

Love me? He probably didn't mean it like maybe just as friends. I still can't get over the fact that Micah is eighteen and still can't drive and he wants to cheat on me?!? Me? smh 🤦🏾‍♀️
I'm wearing this to the mall:

 I still can't get over the fact that Micah is eighteen and still can't drive and he wants to cheat on me?!? Me? smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ I'm wearing this to the mall:

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I just wanted to give him a taste of what he's missing. I just want to know why he did what he did and I'm gonna hear him out but I am definitely not gonna get back with him. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I gotta tell Hector that I'm on my way because he is probably already there.

*gets outside of Micah's house*

*end of pov*

Micah's pov:

This bitch is already here. I thought I could let her down easy by cheating but I guess I can't. Anyways let me go and see what this girl wants.

*opens the front car door*

Camila opened the door with the biggest smile ever and said "hey, babe". I replied with a "hey" with the most discomfort and awkwardness in my voice. "Camila, where we going?", I asked with a bit of concern. "First we're gonna stop at the mall because I need to get some shoes from Footlocker and then we are gonna go bowling so I'm gonna invite Hector and Stacy later if it's okay with you." "Stacy and Hector?", I asked a bit confused. I continued by saying "I thought it was a date night? Like just me and you?" "Well it is, I just wanted to invite my best friend and his girlfriend you know? But they don't have to go if you don't want them to", Camila responds. "Nah. it's fine", I said, sounding a bit worried and scared.

*end of conversation*

The rest of the ride was so quiet and awkward. I never felt this with her before. Does she know about me and Stacy? I don't think she does, she definitely would've said something about it when I called her.

*end of pov*

Hector's pov:
I've been at the mall for 30 minutes now and Camila's still isn't here.

*notificatin (text from Camila)*

I'm at the mall. I'm about to confront him I'll text you when to come here, we'll be at the food court. Do whatever you want for now.

Okay. I'm going to forever 21 do you want anything?

Yeah can you get me the gray, black, and white tank tops for $1.90, I'll pay you back.

Of course you don't need to pay me back.

thanks so much you are the best. I literally love you. See you later

Okay see you later. Love you too😘!

*end of text messages*

I think I really do love this girl. We've known each other since birth and I feel that we've gotten so much closer lately. I know she only sees me as her best friend but I wanna be more than that with her. I think I'm gonna tell her today after everything goes down. I already broke things off with Stacy so I don't need to worry about that but if Camila goes through with this process then I think I'll shoot my shot or at least try something.

*end of pov*

Camila's pov:
We're at the mall and things have been really awkward but I'm just gonna take him to the food court and make it seem like I'm hungry so I can finally break up with him. "Micah, I'm really hungry. I didn't eat all day. let's go to the food court." "ok bet" is all he said before we headed to the the food court.

   Once we arrived at the food court, I said "We need to talk about something." Micah had a bit of concern in his face but I didn't care because I knew what he did to me and I knew if I took him back, it would be a continuous cycle.

A/N: I wrote a lot in this chapter. Sorry I have to leave you on a cliffhanger.

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