chapter 6

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A/n- I'm gonna start writing it in the past tense bc it's easier for me and feel free to comment anything, this is a safe space. I also want to thank you all for 1k reads, I really appreciate it. Kisses <3

*Hector's pov*

I was really excited to go on this date with Camila. I can't believe she was finally giving me a chance.

I know this might not have been a real date but I felt like something good was going to happen on this date.

So the plan was to take her to the drive-in movie theater to kill some time in Brooklyn, then we're gonna go to an Italian restaurant in Totowa. (I know Hector doesn't live in Jersey but we're gonna pretend for the sake of the story).

Camila was treated so bad in her past relationship with Micah but I know for a fact that she wants to take things slow. I don't even know what I'm saying right now.

Take things slowly, does she even like me. Well, I didn't want to rush her to be a real relationship, especially with everything that just happened. But I decided to call her because it was almost time to pick her up.

*he picked up his phone to call Camila*

Hector: Hey Cami, how have you been?

Camila: Ew, why are you acting so weird, you never ask me how I'm doing (she says in a joking tone).

Hector: Ok then, I will never be nice again. I just wanted to be a good friend and see how you doing (he says in the same joking tone).

Camila: whatever, what did you want

Hector: I just wanted to see if you started getting ready

Camila: Well I mean I just got out of the shower, what time are you coming to pick me up?

Hector: 12:30pm

Camila: It's 10:30am, I still gotta get my nails done.

Hector: so what time will you be done then?

Camila: I'll be ready by 1:30pm

Hector: bet, see you later!

Camila: Bye bitchh

Hector: don't call me that

Camila: Whatever, bye Hectoe

Hector: By Cami

*he hung up the phone and began to get ready*

*back to Camila's point of view*

As soon as I hung up with hector, I headed straight to the nail salon. I didn't go because of the date, I just really wanted to get my nails done.

I got to my usual nail salon and they were closed so I went to another one. This one wasn't my first pick but it was alright.

I got in and the lady sat me down, then I showed her what I wanted, and she started. An hour goes back and she did a pretty good job.

The nails looked like:

The nails looked like:

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