Chapter 4

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{"Camila" in media}
still Camila's pov:

*texts Hector*

Start coming to the food court ASAP we are at chick-fil-A

Ight bet I'm near there anyway

see you there

*puts her phone down and turns back to Micah*
"What is it?" is all that could come out of Micah's mouth. "Well, Hector told me that he walked into Stacy's house and you both were making out. I just want you to know that we are over and you need to find your own ride home. Bye have a great life"

*she gets up and walks over to Hector and gives him a kiss on the lips*

"okay?" is all that Micah could say.

  So much for hearing him out anyways who cares he's an actual jerk. I don't need to hear him out.

*Micah leaves so its only Hector and Camila*

"I don't know why I just did that it was so inappropriate of me." was what I told Hector once Micah left."Anyways gimme my tank tops dweeb" then i punched him in the arm playfully.

*He hands her the bag but he's still is confused*

"Take it dummy"

*end of Camila's pov*

Hector's pov:
   Wowww. I can't believe she just did that. Did she actually mean it or did she just do it to make Micah jealous. This may sound so cliche but I felt a spark when she kissed me. I think we have a connection. I've never felt this way about a girl. She's just so perfect. She's everything I look for in a girl and our parents are really good friends too.
   I know that kiss didn't mean anything to her but it meant a lot to me. I think I should tell her right know.

"Wait Camila!" He grabs her hand to turn her around before she leaves.
"Ouch, you fucking idiot". They both burst into laughter. "Well you know I love you right and you know I would do anything for you right?" "Well yeah. What is wrong?" As she's saying that, she looks really confused. "I was thinking to make Micah and Stacy jealous, we can make a fake relationship. You know act like we're together." "That's a great idea but I feel like it is way too soon. Like I literally just broke up with Micah."
"Well please just think about it for me. Please" I said"ok I will think about it. Love you dummy." was what she replied.
"Love you too stupid." was what i said as we both turned and went our separate ways.

  I really hope she considers it. It would mean a lot to me and who knows maybe this fake relationship will lead to a real one.

end of pov

Camila's pov:
Well I really like Hector's idea but I just feel that it's too soon you know. But Hector's my best friend and I feel that I should do this for him and he would be the perfect person to do it with. I just don't want my real feelings to get in the way. Once I get home, I'm gonna call Emily. She'll guide me the right way. She'll know what I should do.

*leaves the mall and starts heading home*

A/N: this chapter is kind of rushed and all over the place but I am adding a new character in the next Chapter, her name is Emily and she is Camila's other best friend.

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