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As promised, there were no more than ten people... invited. Aria had decided not to count Natalia, herself, and Cassis in the ten. Cassis's boyfriend, Riley, and Natalia's boyfriend, Ryan, were, of course, invited. A few of the dancers and a couple of boyfriends, along with Micheal and Jason and their sassy step-sister, Felicia, were also invited.

Aria slipped her hand around Natalia's waist as Cassis and her boyfriend walked in the open door with Ryan. "Sorry we're late, love," said the blonde dancer, tucking a lock of brown hair behind Natalia's ear. "These two took forever to shower after practice."

"It's okay," The brunette said, a little overwhelmed with all the guests that were over. Natalia was shy around some of the people, still. That and she'd never hosted a party before. "Um, people brought drinks..."

Aria giggled, having already gotten into some of it. "Of course they did, gorgeous. It's a party."

Scratching her arm, Natalia looked down with a blush. "I just meant..that..people brought drinks if you wanted drinks.."

Cassis let go of her boyfriend to greet her love with a hug. "It'll be fine, love. Come. Let's have fun." Giving Aria a look, she took hold of Natalia and steered her back inside.

With a slow exhale, Natalia nodded as the blonde lead them to the living room where the other guests were huddled, whispering about something. When they catched sight of Cassis, the circle broke and they greeted the Queen of popularity. Cassis returned the hugs and smiles, taking a seat. "What did we miss?" she asked as Aria entered, followed by the blonde's boyfriend.

"Nothing.." One of the girls giggle as a voice comes behind them. One of the guys are wearing pink lingerie that belongs to Natalia's mother. "Dears, sit down and Momma Parker will get you some cookies."

Natalia's face flames, her jaw clenching at the sight in front of her.

"That's incredibly unattractive. If you're going to walk around in underwear, at least wear your own." Cassis raised an eyebrow at the guy, giving him a look.

Aria, having just walked in, announced, "You make a horrendous woman. Especially in a beautiful woman's underwear." Aria winked at Natalia.

With a sigh, Natalia mentally put laundry on her list of things to do before her parents return. The guy narrowed his eyes, muttering that they were no fun. Michael patted Natalia's back, telling her to cheer up, that this is a party. "No, this is me babysitting. "

Cassis pulled Natalia over to sit by her, the blonde's boyfriend getting a drink. "Go change, then we can do something worthwhile." The guy rolled his eyes, but went away. Cassis wrapped a comforting arm around her best friend, holding her close to her side.

"What is exactly is worthwhile?" The younger brunette asked Cassis, unsure what she suggest the group do.

Cassis shrugged, replying quietly, "Anything but that."

Felicia sat on the floor, her skin slightly tanner than most of the girls here as she is of mixed races and a bounty of blonde curls, placing an empty beer bottle down on the ground, she grabbed another. "How about we play a game of cards?" The others, including Cassis and Aria, agreed.

"Only if it's strip poker!" one of the guys added. "Or strip.... whatever we're playing." Another one of the girls comes back into the room, holding plastic shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. Behind her comes another girl with a six pack of beer.

Natalia felt her chest thudding, "I think I am going to sit this out and just watch." She scratched her arm, feeling uncomfortable.

Aria, however, dragged her into the circle, a drink in hand. "Unless you have a better idea, you're playing." The artist kissed Natalia's cheek and pulled Cassis over, as well.

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