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"I have no desire to do that," Natalia said.

And it nearly shattered Cassis's heart.

One of the women returned, and both girls blushed brightly. Cassis buried her face in the back of Natalia's robe as the brunette said something in Spanish, likely giving an excuse for why her friend was lying on top of her.

I'm lying on top of her.

"Right. I should, erm..." The blonde carefully pushed herself up, her face lit up like a flame, pulling her robe about her torso. After tying it securely, she carefully climbed down from Natalia's bed, going over to take a seat in one of the chairs meant for pedicures and face masks.

Lifting herself up quickly, Natalia clumsily tied the robe closed, hoping she hadn't flashed her best friend in the process, though without success.

Cassis bit her lip hard to hold back a whimper as Natalia's breasts were revealed to her for a moment before they hid behind the robe. God, she's beautiful. The image from earlier flashed across her mind; Natalia's ass, as she bent over, revealing her naked clit. Cassis closed her eyes, her chest raising slowly as she fought the colour rising to her cheeks once more.

She doesn't want me.

Taking the seat next to her, the brunette leaned the chair back, her legs propped up for the woman.

"What would you like?" The woman asked, handing out a display of what they could do. Natalia looked to Cassis, "Matching?"

The blonde opened her eyes to her friend's legs peeking out of her robe. "Matching sounds good. Whatever you like, love."

Natalia chooses a french manicure with pink flowers.

Having paid, Cassis walked with her hand in Natalia's towards her car, brought around by the valet service. She opened the door for her friend, closing it after her, then slipped into the driver's seat, taking the wheel.

The brunette yawned lightly, "Why am I always so tired after going to a spa." She shook her head, leaning back the seat slightly. "Want to sleep over tonight?"

Cassis's guilt set in. Aria would be jealous, and it wasn't like the older brunette could join, as she was working late. "No, love. I have homework."

"So do I. We can work together." The younger brunette suggested hopefully.

"No, it's for Shop class," said the blonde, thinking fast.

 "Oh.." Running her fingers through her hair, Natalia looked out the window. "I suppose you can just drop me off at my house, then."

Cassis's heart fell at having disappointed her friend. She started to do as suggested, heading down the familiar path towards Natalia's house. Before reaching the destination, however, Cassis made a turn, stopping at an ice cream parlor where the two of them often went in the previous years.

Picking her head up, Natalia looked over at her friend. "Why are we stopping here?"

The wealthy blonde parked her yellow Camaro in front of the little ice cream shop and removed her seatbelt. Looking over at Natalia, she smiled, giving her hand a squeeze. "Let's get ice cream."

Though she was not really hungry, Natalia knew that there was no point in arguing with her. Getting out of the car, she followed after Cassis. A small silver bell chimed as the door opened, and clanged as it shut behind them. Cassis took Natalia's hand, leading her up to the display coolers.

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