New Begginings

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Lapis POV

"Alright, mom were leaving." My mom came up to me and kissed my forehead. "I'm so proud of you, be good, and Peridot take care of her." Peridot nodded, and we walked out to our car and put the rest of our bags in. "Peridot, are you driving?" She opened the door of the passenger seat, "Hell no, drivings exhausting." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Well, if we had your motorcycle." She glared at me.

"Its gone, Lapis, get over it." I sighed and got in the driver seat. "You ready?" she plugged in her phone to the charger. "Yep, ready as ever." I backed out of the driveway and waved at my mom one last time before rolling off to start my new life.
--------------------(Few hours Later)

"Look at it Peri, isn't it crazy how we got here" I turned around and saw peridot struggling with the mattress. "Why did you even bring that?" She struggled to push the bed through the doorway. "Because pant... It soft pant... and I love it!" I rolled my eyes and looked around the dorm room.

It was spacious and empty. There were two beds on opposite sides of the room, and there was a kitchen and a small bathroom. I pointed towards the bed, "You know they provide mattresses, right?" She pushed the mattress in the room, and it fell on the floor. She immediately flopped on the bed, panting heavily. "I don't care." I shrugged and picked up my bag, stepping over the mattress.

"I want this dresser so you can take that one." I pointed the one furthest away, and she groaned. "Lighten up, babe. Were in college now!" She got up, reached into the bag, and pulled out a cover. She snuggled with the blanket and curled up into an adorable ball. Although she may be so cute and as much as I wanna cuddle, we still have to unpack.

I walked over to her and heard the sounds of soft snores. She was so cute. I cupped her face with my hand. She must be exhausted... Oh well. I ripped the covers off of her, and she squirmed sitting up. "LAPIS!" I laughed, "We still have to put all the stuff away. Look! Your bed is on the floor. You need to change out the mattress if you want to use this one." She mumbled and grabbed the cover. I quickly snatched it from her. "You can have it back when you change the bed." She gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Please, Lapis, I'm Sweepy." I blew in her face, and she squirmed and hissed, backing up. "Nice try, cutie pie." I got up and stuffed the cover in my drawer." She came behind me and wrapped her arms around me. She started kissing up my neck, and I flicked her on the forehead. "That won't work either." She groaned and went to unpacking.

---------------(Packing montage)

"See that wasn't so hard." She jumped on the bed and wrapped her self in the covers. My phone vibrated, and I jumped. I pulled it out and saw a message from amethyst.

Amy: Yo wya

Me: Omw

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my shoes. I leaned over the barley, awake Peridot, and whispered. "I'll be right back, okay." She slightly opened her eyes and grabbed my hand. "Nu, stay here with me." I smiled and pecked her. "I'll be back just get some rest." She closed her eyes and softly snored.

I walked out of the dorm and slowly closed the door to ensure I'm not loud. I walked down the hallway and up the stairs leading into another floor. 559... 558... 557! I stopped and knocked on the door. After a moment, it opened, and there stood Amethyst. I jumped and hugged her. "Heyyyyyy." she chuckled, "What's up, Blue."

I pulled away. "How did you get a one-bedroom dorm. She glanced at the room. "You just have to fill out for one." I nodded.

"So, how have you been!" She shrugged, "Good, I guess. Thanks for up and leaving me in the middle of the year, though." She lightly punched me. "My bad, but I had a good reason to!" she raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?" I looked away. "P-peridot..." She scoffed. "Her again?! What! Are you in love with her something?!"

"Well... Kinda.." she tilted her head. "What?!" I blushed. "She's my girlfriend now." She stepped back. "Wow... And I thought my news would be surprising." I looked at her. "What news." She sat on her couch. "I have a girlfriend too." I stared at her in awe. "You!!? A girlfriend?! Who!! How!!" She chuckled. "Let's go on a double date! We can meet each other's girlfriends." I sat next to her. "But, you already know, Peridot."

"Yeah, but I never talked to her. I'm still confused how you fell for a criminal." I furrowed my eyebrows. "She's not a criminal. She's sweet and funny and-" "Okay! Okay! I get it!" I sighed. "How is my news different from yours." She looked at me. "Because it's Peridot. We used to avoid people like her. And now..." she trailed off.

"I'm sorry for leaving you behind." She smiled. "It's cool. If you never left, I would have never found my Girlfriend." She smiled, looking off into the distance. Whoever this girl is. It's probably someone special.

"So, where are we going for the date." She snapped back into reality, "what?" I chuckled. "The double date." She turned to me. "Oh, we can meet at the big donut." I tilted my head. "What's that?" She shrugged. "Just a small donut shop."

"I never realized how small this city is."

"Well, it is Beach city."

Nice new sequel just for you
(972 Words)

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