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"PERIDOT!!!!!" I jumped over the counter and held my arms up to hug her. She backed up a bit seemingly confused. I'm so happy, I had a large smile on my face! "L-lapis hold on a sec" I had a moment of hesitation and backed up. "Peridot?" she looked down, "why are you here" she said.

I balled my fist and gathered all of my courage, "I miss you" I felt my eyes water and my body become warm, "I missed you so much... I didn't realize-" "Stop" she interrupted. "You think this is some kind of wattpad story? You think you can just walk back in my life after fucking it up?" my heart sank.. She's mad... I really messed up.

"You can take your shit apology and shove it up your ass, I'm not your toy you can play with every time you feel guilty or want someone to save you" I'm left speechless, her words were cruel but true... I did nothing but make things worse for her, I disrespected her, I hurt her... I don't deserve you Peridot. I just wish she could know how sorry I am, but I'm sure that's the last thing she wants to hear rn.

I just want her to know how I feel. She walked away from behind the counter and went into a room that read "employees only". I guess this is what she was up to while I was out being something I'm not...

Peridot POV

Why did she even think to come back, she knows what she did and she knows why I left her. She knows where we stand, don't fall for her tricks Peridot. I'm sure she left by now, I put her in her place. I'm better now, I don't need her.

I took a deep breath and casually clocked out. I headed towards the door that leads to the main store so I can leave. I grabbed my keys and my hoody and placed my hand on the handle. Breath Peridot, just walk out, she's probably not even here anymore. I slowly open the door and she isn't in sight. I exhaled and walked into the main store.

I casually walked to the door, ready to lock up for the night. I reached for the handle and paused. "Remember..." I sighed and quickly turned around. I kept a stern expression so she knows she has no chance and that I'm tired of her shit. She was standing right behind me with a very solemn expression. "Remeber when you nearly killed me over Jasper?" She chuckled as a tear rolled down her cheek. I caught myself letting my guard down.

I'm just not gonna say anything. "Did you ever wonder why I stayed with you even after you did that to me?" what the fuck is she going on about, I rolled my eyes. "to be honest... I don't really know why I did..." I crossed my arms and continued to listen. "I never been through something like this, to me I was the main character of this story of my life, I thought everything I did was important in my small world that I lived in. Then you came and my world got bigger. I cared for you and I still do now, you created new chapters in my life and new beginnings. That's when I should have realized my story wasn't about me anymore..."

I gritted my teeth, "WHY DIDNT YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!!!!" she looked at me wide-eyed, "I- I tried to take it into my own hands.." I stepped closer to her and she stepped back, "I swear you're a selfish, narcissistic, cruel, stupid scumbag AND I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!!!!" I balled my fist and I'm filled with rage. Tears constantly poured out of her face but she didn't move.

"I-... I know"


I turned back around and left and went to my car. She was stupid to come back to me. I grabbed my car door handle- "I can't help it if I love you" I looked up and lapis was closing the door with her eyes on me, "You can't expect me to give up on you that easily" She walked towards me and I opened the car door and she shut it back. I gave her a death stare, "You've never loved me." She gave me a sad smile, "I've always loved you, you're the most important person in my life"

I developed a death grip on the car door handle, "THEN WHY DID YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME" She grew concerned, "But I didn't.." I slammed my fist on the car, "YOU USED ME TO CONTROL A BUNCH OF CRIMINALS AND GAIN POWER" She reached to cup my face in her hands, "It wasn't like that at all.." I backed up, "Then what was it then."

Her face grew red, " remeber. The story isn't about me, it was about you, I should have let you write it instead of taking control myself" I grumbled, "Fuck your life story, fuck what it was about and fuck who wrote it!!! You... you broke my heart." I felt hot liquid roll down my cheeks but I kept my expression the same, "And you don't even care, all you care about it stupid jasper and stupid drugs and gang violence.. I just wanted to go home.."


"You thought you were doing me a favor but no.. You just made everything worse.. Like you always do."

My Lover (Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now