The end.... Or is it.

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"How long is it gonna take for us to get there?" she smiled, "We would've got there faster if you would've just listened to me. But no, you wanted to stop for ice cream." I scoffed, "I...uhm.." I blushed, "No fair, Lapis!! You can't blame me for everything." She kept her eyes forward, "I can and l will." I grumbled and got out of my phone.

She immediately took it from me. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Hey!!" She put it in her pocket, "Even if we're not there yet, this is still date time, and you shouldn't be on your phone during a date." My mouth hung open, and I gazed at her in awe, "that's not fair!!!" She shook her head, "I don't have my phone out either, so it's completely fair."

We started driving on the sand. I felt as if the sand was restricting the car. "Lapis, is this safe?" she nodded.

We soon came to a stop, and she got out of the car, "H-hey! Wait for me." I got out of the car and followed lapis. I looked around, and no one was around. The only thing you could hear is the sound of crashing waves. I noticed a small beach house, but big enough to live in. I looked up and saw a familiar lighthouse, "Lapis, have we been here before?" She turned and nodded, then proceeded to walk.

I shrugged and followed after her. She got out a set of keys and opened the door. "Lapis, what are we doing here?" We walked in, and she sat on a couch. "Lapis, how is this a date?!" She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a bikini. "This house used to be my brothers, but now it's just a family vacation home. "I thought we could go swimming before sunset." I looked out the window, "But I don't have a- something hit the back of my head. I looked down and picked up the swimsuit. "When did you get this?!" I examined the suit. "Stop asking questions and get changed." She walked off into a random hallway and disappeared.

I looked down at the suit and sighed. I guess I can change right here. I took off my clothes down to my underclothes and slid on my suit. It was a green one-piece and a perfect fit. This is pretty nice. How does she know my size? "You look so adorable." I looked up, and my eyes were met with Lapis's. She was in a blue bikini, as sexy as ever. I caught myself staring and quickly looked away. She walked over to me and cupped my face. "You can look if you want. We are dating. You know that right." I slowly nodded, looming her up and down. She was the physical embodiment of a tall glass of water.

Without thinking, I traced her curves with my hand. "You are so beautiful, Lapis." She blushed, "Well, we should head to the before the sun goes down." She walked past me and out the door, and I followed. Lapis graciously walked out into the roaring shore. The sun against her skin made her glow. She was mesmerizing.

I am so lucky. She caught me blushing and staring like an idiot, but I didn't stop. She smiled and started dancing near the ocean. She was magnificent. Every move was better than the last. Her graceful movements only made my desire grow. I wanted to touch her. I wanted to feel her lips against mine.

She danced over to me, and I snapped put my gaze as she took my hand. She pulled me, and we started dancing together. I'm not much of a dancer, so it was hard to keep up with her moves. She occasionally twirled me, and that made me giggle. She was smiling brightly, and we were happy. I felt so free with her.

She spun me and pulled me into a dip. I blushed as we were nose to nose. She had a seductive look, and my heart was beating rapidly.

She slowly leaned in, and her lips touched mine. I loved it. I loved every kiss. I love Lapis. When she broke the kiss, I gazed into her eyes. "Lapis, I L-"



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