A new beggining

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     Happiness and pride were evident in everyone in the room.  Regina, or rather, the Good Queen received congratulations from all the guests under the watchful eye of Snow White, who felt in her heart, that even with a smile Regina had a slight look of sadness, which Snow knew was the result.  of Robin Hood's absence.
      Once again Regina weaves her broken heart by postponing her happy ending, it seemed that love was not for her, but Snpw believed Regina's fate would still be beautifully twisted.  Snow was convinced that a beautiful new love was destined for the Good Queen because she deserved it.
      At the end of the coronation ceremony, Snow and Charming announced that a celebration in honor of the Good Queen would be held and everyone was invited.  Everyone was thrilled with the idea of ​​a great party worthy of the golden days of the Enchanted Forest, with a royal ball and anything else worthy of royalty.  Regina deserved so much.  And after all that had happened, all the curses, villains, and losses, it was time for everyone to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet among their loved ones.
      Regina watched her friends having fun around the room.  Some chatted excitedly, others laughed, and some danced beautifully in the center of the room.  The dancing couples held their attention, especially Emma and Killian exchanging passionate glances.  Regina found herself imagining being like them— "Nothing would make me happier than having a chance to be in my Robin's arms," ​​she thought wistfully.
      Noticing her mother's melancholy look, the teenager Henry approached, extended his hand affectionately inviting her - "Would you grant me the great honor of a dance, my queen?"  With a smile on her face, Regina accepted the invitation with a slight bow, thrusting deep into her mind and heart, her regrets for the lost love, and went to enjoy the ball with her beloved son.
    _ "You are so beautiful, majesty!"  Said with all love and admiration.  _"Is happy?"  he asked, looking straight into her eyes, which made her shyly look away as she answered, "Yes. Very. After all we've been through, I'm here with my son ... well, my two boys, (  Regina looks at Henry who is dancing with Cinderella a little away) ... my friends are here ... "she smiles, a slight but true smile that hides something else, a certain nostalgia.  _ "How would you not be happy?"  she ends up answering, and kisses her son on the cheek.
      He, realizing that there is much more to his mother's answer than she wants to reveal, decides to leave this questioning for a more discreet moment and, mirroring Regina's smile, says, "True. No reason, is it?"
      Across the room, Snow and David are with baby Hope while their new parents, Emma and Killian, enjoy the break dancing. "She looks happy, doesn't she?"  David speaks, looking fatherly toward the center of the ballroom.  _"Yes it seems!"  Snow sighs.  "But I feel like she's hiding something."  Snow answered quietly but thoughtfully.  "_Do you think? Did Killian do something wrong?"  David says with a tone of concern.
"Not Emma. I was talking about Regina, David! It's her I'm worried about! Despite the smile and her claim that all is well, I feel she's not being honest at all. She's not happy. I miss her  something for her to be completely happy. "  says Snow without taking his eyes off the newly crowned queen, who was just beginning to dance with Hook, Alice's father.
      The coronation ball lasted into the night.  All enjoying the good times.  Henry and Cinderella said goodbye to everyone around midnight to take a sleepy Lucy home.
      As the hours go on, the guests are gradually saying goodbye to their respective kingdoms, leaving only the host couple (Snow and Charming), their daughter and son-in-law (Emma and Killian) talking in a corner of the room.  The group watched curiously the scene in the center of the ballroom: Regina and Hook were still dancing and talking excitedly, totally oblivious to the end of the party and the absence of other couples on the dance floor.
      "It may seem strange, but I think they make a beautiful couple."  said Killian with a mischievous tone, a fact that Emma agreed with a broad smile on her face, adding, "It would be a good way for two wounded hearts to heal!"  Then Emma leaned over and sealed a tender kiss to her pirate husband !.  "aye, love!"
      Suddenly, coming from the courtyard attached to the hall, Alice and Robin come to the still-dancing couple distracted and engaged in their conversation, awakening them to the end of the party.
      "_Papa! Papa! Robin and I wanted to know if you mind if we were going to spend the weekend at Zelena's house? Please, Papa !!!"  Alice asks, practically jumping, holding hands with Robin staring hopefully at a pirate confused by the sudden interruption.
      After a few minutes in a strange silence, Regina feeling the look of Alice and Robin analyzing Hook and her, touches the pirate's arm and, with a soft voice and a shy smile says _ "Hook, the girls are waiting for an answer!"  nodding slightly toward them. _ "Ah ... Er ... Of course! ... Of course no problem. You can go, Starfish!"  replied the pirate father quickly.  _ "Have fun and don't give Zelena a job!", Advice that received some eye roll and exasperated sighs from the three milaids.
      Alice and Robin then hugged Hook, and bid Regina a real bow, earning a sincere smile from the Good Queen and a pirate's raised eyebrow.  _ "Thank you Pape! Love you! Good night majesty!"
      The two then went to the group that was furthest away to say goodbye to them.  It was then that the couple noticed that they were the target of the Charming family's watchful eyes, resulting in a pirate and a red-cheeked queen with such attention.
      With the situation slightly embarrassing, Hook takes it as his cue, and takes the opportunity to say goodbye to Regina with a soft kiss on her hand.  "It was a pleasure to be part of your big moment, lov ... but it's time to go for me too!".  Regina, surprised by the pirate's delicate and caring attitude, takes a few seconds to respond, but then shakes her head gently as if to put her thoughts in order _ "It was very pleasant your company, I thank you!"
      Once again the scene between the Good Queen and the Pirate did not go unnoticed by the family group, who barely disguised the enchantment with the couple.
      "Is it possible that every pirate is that flirtatious?"  teased David, directing the comment to his son-in-law who didn't miss the opportunity to respond with an even more provocative tone. "only those who are devilish handsome!"
_"I fully agree!"  Emma said, smiling at her husband as Killian hugged her around the waist and kissed her cheek, winking at her.  _ "Ok.ok. ... We understand!"  said Snow calmly but with enough authority to get it over with, before Regina got close to the group so as not to embarrass her.
      As soon as Hook said goodbye to his family and finally left the room, all four of them (Snow, David, Emma, ​​and Killian) turned to Regina, with features the Good Queen could not describe.  _"What's it?"  Regina asked a little uneasily.  "I missed something? Why are you looking at me like that? getting more and more annoyed by the stares.
      "It's nothing, my dear. We're just admiring your real beauty or beautiful royalty!"  Killian replied by flirting with her, which earned the pirate a small slap to the chest and a defiant look from his wife.  "Don't worry Regina, Killian is just saying that you look really beautiful. Congratulations my friend!"  said Emma fondly.
      "That's right. You look so beautiful, Regina!"  Snow said with the motherly joy and tone that is so characteristic of her, but with a weariness evident in her voice.  "The night was really wonderful, but it's time for us all to rest."  said David, trying to disguise a yawn and failing miserably.  _ "Tomorrow will be a new day and we hardly know what adventures await us!"
      With that, they said goodbye with hugs and good night wishes and headed for their quarters.  Tired, but happy for a happy ending, or rather a new beginning.

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