a new doubt

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The winter at Storybrook was being strict this year, it even looked like the Snow Queen was back in town, which might be a way to shake things up, since Regina was sulking with such calm.

"HUMPH ... Who knew I would miss a bad little character to move the city?" the Good Queen and mayor thought to herself, while organizing the documents on her desk for the thousandth time.

Suddenly, when looking away from the papers in her hands, Regina notices a small picture frame on one of the shelves in the office. An old photo in which they were all together: her, Emma, ​​Killian, Bella, Rumple, Zelena, Robin. Regina destroys herself trying to remember, unsuccessfully, when that photo was taken. "Funny how things happen and sometimes we don't even notice how." She starts to wander to herself, leaning slightly on the table without taking her eyes off the photo. ... "Who would have thought that you would be capable of such an act of bravery and without any selfishness, my friend?" ... and Regina's eyes begin to tear at the late Rumple. "... you can't imagine how grateful I am to you ..." sighing and with the back of her hand, she fends off the tear that was trying to get rid of her eyes.

Trying to get rid of the feeling of melancholy that took her heart with the simple photo, Regina takes a deep breath, shakes her head slightly as if in an attempt to get rid of the memories, and ends her thoughts by talking to herself with determination. "But your act will not be forgotten, much less in vain, Rumple. Hook is a good person and he will live up to your memory." and in a less determined and more dreamy tone of voice, she adds "heis ... Hook is a special person, my friend. Did you know that ... he is special ..."

Despite the silence in the city hall, and Regina's feeling of loneliness, while the good queen talked to herself, a figure was lurking in the corridor listening to everything. Not that he intended to snoop, but Robin had gone to the city hall to talk to his aunt about an argument that she and her mother had had that morning. It was chance that made her be there right when Regina let her guard down to her lonely daydreams.

"Alice was right!" Robin whispered to herself with a smiling face. "My aunt really feels something for her father!" and forgetting what he had originally come to do at the city hall, Robin turns around and runs, just thinking about getting to his  girlfriend and who knows, maybe helping her in the "such" plan to bring passionate hearts together.

Robin couldn't contain his enthusiasm on the way to Hook and Alice's house. "Alice is going to go crazy! She was sure they were in love!" she talked excitedly to herself all the way "... I should have realized that too! Alice has a sixth sense for people's emotions" ... and with a slight nod and a giggle, she assumes that she is so happy with the possible situation as the girlfriend is.

However, when Robin arrives at his girlfriend's house, and knocks on the door to announce himself, the door opens by itself, which takes her by surprise. "Hello !!! Alice? ... Hook? ... Hi !!! anyone at home?" She slowly and carefully enters the house, trying to understand why the door is unlocked and no one is answering the door.

The house is apparently in its normal state, with the exception of the silence. The house is never completely silent. Alice always maintains a certain life in the environment, either with music or conversation.

"Strange! ... Is Alice usually home at this time?" thought Robin, going to the kitchen in search of the family.

Robin continued to call for his girlfriend, searching every room on the ground floor.

Upon arriving in the kitchen, and looking quickly out the window over the sink, from where you could see the docks, Robin noticed a figure leaning over the wall over the pier. 

From what she could see in the distance, it was Alice who was there, and she didn't look calm. "Strange ??? What is Alice doing at the pier at this hour? And alone?" Robin asked himself, with a frown and a breath.

After a few minutes of hesitation, Robin decides to meet Alice.

"Hey Tower Girl!"  he greeted in a soft tone of voice, so as not to frighten his girlfriend, but to no avail. 

"Oh! Hello Robin! I didn't hear you coming!"  Alice replied, surprised and somewhat distant, looking away again towards the sea ahead, giving a sigh.

"Did something happen, Alice?"  asked Robin, surprised by the distant behavior of his girlfriend, who always greets her with a tight hug without even thinking.  "I came after you, because I went to talk to my aunt and ..." she said, only to be interrupted abruptly by Alice.

"Regina? The good queen? Did you speak to her? How is she? Did she say anything about my father? Er ..." she spoke quickly, practically without breathing between sentences or taking a breath. 

Alice looked agonized dividing her attention between looking Robin directly in the eye and looking out to sea.

Robin, reaching for his girlfriend's arm, gave a light squeeze as a way to get the girl's attention "Alice ... calm ... breathe!"  giving a reassuring smile, she continued.  "No. I didn't get to talk to her. But why? She seemed normal to me ... a little melancholy is true, but apparently normal."  and looking directly into the girlfriend's eyes, realizing her unease, she asks "Why did you even ask? Do you know anything?"

A little confused, Alice replies "No ... I mean ... maybe ... I don't know?"  and with a sigh, Alice bowed her head in defeat.  "Do you remember that I wanted to do something to bring my father and Regina together?"  asked Alice a little sadly, to which Robin responded with a nod, encouraging his girlfriend to continue.  "... so, today I found the courage to talk about it directly with my father."  she continued without any enthusiasm.

"... and what did he say?"  Robin asked curiously, in which he amended "... because what I heard in my aunt's office left me convinced that you were right about them."  Robin ended with an excited smile, which soon disappeared when she noticed a small tear that ran down Alice's face.

Sighing in defeat, Alice replies "I'm not so sure about anything anymore!" and she lowered his head in his hands and gave in to tears, leaving Robin without understanding what was happening.

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