A new feeling

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The days went by quietly, and Regina was enjoying the lull in Storybrook, but that strange, unexplained sensation still bothered her. What could it be? Each time she remembered breakfast at Grannys the day after the coronation, it was as if she felt an uncomfortable twinge in her heart and her eyes seemed to burn with the need for relief with tears.

"What the hell is going on with me?" Regina said to herself irritably. "It seems you can no longer control even your own body ... much less your emotions, good queen. How do you expect to control a kingdom or a city?" she admitted, delivered to his own dismay in his solitary office.

With a defeated sigh, Regina drops into her chair and looks at the ceiling of her office. "I honestly thought I had already had this need to fall in love with Regina!" she said to herself, with an anguished tone in her voice. "Didn't realize yet that you weren't born for love!"

Even condemning herself for being in this situation, suddenly the image of a smiling pirate invaded her mind and her heart clenched as if trying to get the queen's attention saying "Hey! See what you can still have! You can feel yes! Live a little! " ... with a deep sigh, Regina shifted in her chair, speaking harshly to herself ... or more precisely, to her heart ... "_ but is it possible that you don't learn?!" ...

Meanwhile, in another part of town, the pirate admired the sea with a melancholy and lost look, oblivious to what was happening around him.

* prom night flashback *

Hook approaches Henry and Regina dancing in the middle of the ballroom, lightly touches the boy's shoulder and nods slightly at the queen. "Could I have the honor of dancing with your majesty?" asked the pirate with a hopeful tone.

"But of course, Hook! My mother needs someone who knows what he is doing about big dances!" Henry replied smiling and, with a kiss on Regina's cheek, handed his mother's hand to the pirate, who gave her a hand. She accepted happily, with a gentle kiss, made a small courtesy (which earned her a smile and slightly rosy cheeks from Regina)

The night went unnoticed, so pleasant. Hook and Regina danced and talked about mild matters, never failing to exchange glances.

* (end of flashback) *

"She's wonderful!" sighed the pirate, standing on the pier under Storybrook's blue sky. "Who is wonderful?" asked Alice roguishly, so suddenly that she gave the little pirate a fright that was oblivious to her presence.

"Um ... yeah ... nobody ... yeah, ... I was talking about the sea!", ... trying to compose herself in surprise and at the same time trying to disguise his real feelings, Hook responded hurriedly running over his own words "...- The landscape is wonderful!" and with a small smile he looked at his daughter who was standing in the water, enjoying the lazy and hot day.

"I know Papa! The sea is wonderful! The landscape is beautiful! Just like the queen!" Replied Alice, giggling and shaking her head, knowing full well what was going on with her father.

With a surprised face, as if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't have, Hook would open and close his mouth trying to answer but couldn't find his voice for anything, which made the girl laugh even harder.

 "Papa! Oh Papa! You adults have the habit of trying to make mistakes when you're in love!" she lovingly told her father, who was still frozen in front of her. Rising and heading towards the pirate, Alice touched her father's face, and looking deep and straight into his eyes, said ... "_ Don't let fear keep you from happiness, Papa! After all you've been through. After of everything my mother ... no ... Gothel has put you through, you deserve love, do not rule out the possibility of love. "

 The pirate sighed, bowed his head, and put his own hand over his daughter's face. How young Alice could be so wise about life and love, Hook thought.

Looking back at her daughter, Hook sighs and says, trying to ease his own mental confusion ... "_ I'm not trying to fool myself, my dear! Just not sure what all this I'm feeling" and With a melancholy sigh, under his daughter's curious and attentive gaze he continues ... "_... and I don't even know there's anything to push away or invest! In fact I don't even know if she ... ahhh ... never mind!"

Alice, who had already noticed the exchange of glances between the Good Queen and her father, not only at the ball, but at breakfast at the Grannys and on so many other less social occasions, had already commented to her girlfriend Robin that she believed there was a connection greater than just friendship, there was something else. Now she was sure, and now, more than ever, she decided silently looking at her father's defeated figure, who would make the pirate's relationship his priority mission.

A New Story, A New Love, A New Life!Where stories live. Discover now