A new mistery

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After managing to calm a girlfriend down, Robin wanted to know what Alice was talking about. How she could be doubting the feeling between Hook and her aunt Regina, since she claimed even moments before that it was real.

Sitting across from each other on the StoryBrook pier, Alice and Robin talk. "Alice, why are you so upset? Even more ... why are you saying that you are not so sure of your father's love for my aunt? You were so sure of it and so excited for them ... "asked Robin confused.

"Do you remember that I said I would do anything to bring my father and Regina together?" asked Alice with teary eyes, which Robin agreed with a slight nod giving the cue for her to continue what she was going to tell. "So ... then I met my dad right here ... he was looking at the horizon with a silly smile on his face and a distant look. .. "and rubbing her hands over her eyes, trying to dry up like tears, Alice continues" I was sure he was thinking about Regina, and the dance, and... and... "

Robin, sensing his girlfriend's nervousness, took her hands and gave a small squeeze as a sign of comfort, so that she could focus again and continue her story. Alice, accepting her girlfriend's gesture, takes a deep breath, and continues her story a little more calmly. "Finally, he kind of confirmed what I already suspected ..."

"What do you mean, kind of confirmed it?" asked Robin, confused. Alice, trying to answer her girlfriend, continues, "He told me he wasn't sure what he felt, and that even though he was sure, he didn't know if he had to worry, or fight for, or whatever. ... since he believed it was not reciprocal or anything ... "

Beginning to understand the situation, Robin tries to calm his girlfriend, telling what he had heard from the office "AH ... but then everything is easier with what I have to tell you ... I heard my aunt talking to herself about your father, and by the way she spoke, you are right .... She really feels more than friendship for him ", but her statement was with a weak and melancholy smile.

"What was Alice? Don't you think it's a good sign? " Robin asked a little confused by his girlfriend's reaction.

"There it is !!! I don't know anymore ... "replied Alice. "It's just that after we talked about my dad's feelings for Regina here, my dad got a call from I don't know who, who worried me about the way he was."

Feeling Alice's nervousness, Robin carefully questioned her about the "Phone call? But did he tell you who he was after? What was it about? It probably had nothing to do with my aunt ... and ... "but Robin was interrupted by Alice," It was exactly what I wanted to know !!! He just answered, and in a second his face was serious, and he started talking aggressively to the person and walked away from me! "

As if she feared what happened after the call, Alice continued in a desperate tone "My father made a sign as if we would talk later, but I haven't seen him since! The only thing I have news for is this note that I found this morning on the kitchen counter. " And with a tear running down her face again, Alice hands Robin a piece of paper.

Robin opens the small piece of paper, not knowing what to expect from it, and is faced with a short note:


I had to get away. Do not worry.

Do not look for me.

I don't know if I'll be able to come back.

Hook "

Even more confused, Robin looks closely at the little note, turning and turning to see if he found anything he could explain, without success. Returning to look directly into Alice's eyes, she asks "Is that all? Since yesterday? Are you sure it was your father who left this note? "

Understanding her girlfriend's doubt, Alice starts talking nonstop, nervously "Yeah ... that's what I thought ... It doesn't look like my father! He probably wouldn't put Alice but Starfish in the beginning ... and ... and ...would sign as Papa ... and ... and ... "trying to put his thoughts in order, Alice continues, almost without breathing" After so much time apart ... after everything we've been through ... he would never leave me without saying goodbye, would he? " she asks pleading. " He wouldn't abandon me ... "and with a choked voice, she seeks comfort in Robin's arms

"Of course not, Alice. I'm afraid to say that this is very, very strange! " replied Robin, and trying to give a little strength to the girlfriend who was already desperate with the disappearance of her father, with a strong hug she says "What do you think about looking for my aunt, and showing her that note? She will know what to do. She will help us find your father. "

With a slight nod, Alice accepts the suggestion and the two go to the city hall in search of Regina.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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