A new day

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The euphoria of Regina's coronation has dawned, and the inhabitants of all kingdoms and Storybrooke are slowly returning to their routines enjoying the peace and calm that reigns at the moment.

After a wonderful night of partying, nothing more than a family breakfast at the city's most beloved restaurant, The Grannys.

Waiting at one of the tables were already Killian, Emma with little Hope, Charming, Snow, Cinderella and Henry, while Lucy and Neal were playing outside the cafe while their parents did not call them to eat.

"..._ and that's what happened after you left the party, Henry!" Snow excitedly told about the waltz of Regina and Hook _ "I can guarantee there's something coming up between them!" she said, getting more and more excited as Henry looked thoughtful with a small smile on his face, and the other table occupants only nodding their heads in agreement.

Emma, ​​in turn, with a sincere look "_ It would be very good for Regina, if they really became something more than good friends! I feel she needs a new love, to help with the pain she still feels for the loss Robin Hood! "

With a mischievous look, Killian puts his touch on the conversation ... "_ and it is well known what a good pirate's attention can do to a milaide!" ... says he got a little slap on the head (albeit along with a laugh) from Charming and a disapproving look from Emma and a bland look from Henry ... "_ okay ... okay ... I didn't need to hear something like that from my stepfather. " commented Henry, which earned laughter from everyone at the table.

At that very moment, Regina, walks in the door of the cafe, with a relaxed and happy countenance. "_Good morning family, I see I'm not the only one excited about the beautiful day that started!" and going to the table where everyone met, he hugs and kisses his son Henry's face and greets one by one, while Charming pulls another chair for the Good Queen to sit on.

After everyone had ordered Granny, and the children had breakfast, the conversation flowed naturally lively among them, with no one making any more specific and compelling comment about what happened between the possible couple formed the day before. nothing prevented the exchanges of glances each time Hook was mentioned by Regina ...

"_Ontem really was a wonderful evening! I never danced so much! I had never enjoyed so much a party that did not even notice the time pass! Regina spoke with a smile and a look vague and melancholy face.

Henry, sensing his mother's sentimental state, took her hand across the table, gave it a slight squeeze, and nodded. "I can tell you were happy. And I'm very happy for you, mother! I was told you really enjoyed it." dance with ... "Henry said, but was interrupted by a small elbow in the rib, given by Cinderella and nodding in disguise, signaling NO ... which earned Regina a confused look.

Just as all the clutter was happening at the family table, Robin and Alice came in the door talking animatedly, which distracted Regina from the subject her son had started but had to abruptly interrupt.

"_GOOD MORNING!" greeted Alice excitedly, "Are you all right?" he asked without addressing himself privately. "_Good morning Alice." answered everyone at the table. Snow in turn extended the length of good morning "_ Yes, it's alright! And with you I see that everything is also wonderful by the smile that you have been on the face!" which resulted in a shy look from Robin and a mischievous smile from Alice along with the reply "Couldn't be better!" answered both together.

Regina, betrayed by her anxiety, could not hold back when questioning the two girls "And Hook ..." suddenly realizing her slip Regina, kind of choking when speaking, completes what he said "_ .. and Zelena, where are they? "Sister's not coming to breakfast with me? You were at her house, weren't you? They ... I mean, she didn't say anything?" ... increasingly red-faced, and speaking faster and faster, Regina decided to stop talking. It was no good, as all the occupants of the table, besides the two newcomers, stared at her with a mixture of curiosity and understanding that she herself did not understand.

As soon as Robin said "_My mother is coming, Regina! She said she would not miss the Good Queen's first breakfast for nothing!" smiling at her aunt who was trying to calm down internally. "_She was right behind us when we were getting here?!?!" said a confused Alice looking at the door, which at that moment opened, revealing Hook giving way to Zelena who spoke nonstop!

The glances of the table occupants ranged from the look of surprise (a little tinged with disappointment) on Regina's face to the newcomers chatting in the doorway of Granny's. The whole action was suddenly interrupted by Zelena and Hook's friendly and cheerful greeting to friends. "_Good morning my dears!" said Zelena. "_What a beautiful day, don't you think my queen!" Hook said staring at Regina who looked down and replied without much enthusiasm "Yes! One beautiful day. Hook. Zelena!" ... and a strange little silence followed.

Sensing the rather strange situation that arose, Snow, with his characteristic enthusiasm, asked the newcomers if they wanted to join the table ... "_Good morning! Do you want to sit here with us?". Joining the conversation, Charming completes "_ although we are almost done with breakfast, but we can always keep company!" pointing to the other table occupants.

Hook, still somewhat disconcerted by Regina's reaction, responds promptly, "No problem! We don't want to bother you at all!"

Already seated at another table, a little away from the Charmig and Mills family, were Alice and Robin. _ "Papa! Papa! There's room here for you, Papa!" called Alice, trying to get her father out of the uncomfortable situation. Hook then excused himself "_Good ... let me go there before Alice decides to create flags with napkins to signal the way for me." said the pirate amusingly and with a roll of his eyes, and went to his daughter's table.

Regina then, with a nod, tried to disguise her disappointment, then directing the questioning to her sister "_will you sit down, Zelena?" spoke dryly. But without noticing her sister's discomfort, or knowingly ignoring it, Zelena apologized and went to the table of Hook and the girls. "_Don't bother Regina! I'm going to sit with Robin and the Jones. That's because you're done, and I don't want to make you" watch "me eat!" Zelena laughed, kissed her sister's cheek and waved to the others.

A New Story, A New Love, A New Life!Where stories live. Discover now