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(Disclamer: I don't own any songs that appear in this chapter)

Human/Vampire speech

Vampire/Human speech

Demon/Boss speech

Boss/Demon thought

Demonic influinced speech


(Naruto's apartment)

Naruto opened his eyes to see that he had fallen asleep on the couch. Yoko was on his right side, Seras on his left, Misato and Razen sat in his lap. "Guess Kaa-san, Sakura and Runa-chan are sleeping.

Naruto made a clone, used the replacement Jutsu and walked out onto the roof. When he got there he saw Runa there. She had changed her clothes. She now wore a black long sleeve shirt that had slits in the upper parts of the sleeves and hugged her body, blue jean pants and her sandals, the only thing missing was her headband.

Naruto was about to walk up to her when she turned to him and smiled. "Hello Naruto," said Runa as Naruto took a seat at the edge of the roof.

"Enjoying the view Runa-chan?" asked Naruto.

Runa smiled. "Yes Naruto. It's so different here then in Stone," said Runa.

Naruto looked at her. "What do you mean?" asked Naruto.

Runa's smile disappeared. "In Stone if you have enough money you can have slaves. I am or was a slave. I was given to the Tsuchikage daughter as a gift. That bitch used me all the time. When she was pissed she'd do horrible things to me all to make herself feel better," said Runa wrapping her arms around herself.

Naruto resisted the urge to hug her. "If that's true then why did you make that bet with me?" asked Naruto

"I was to use a special lipstick to turn you into an obedient slave for her. After she heard about you being the Hellsing heir she wanted you badly. She wanted your power, your wealth, but most importantly she wanted one of the only things she couldn't have," said Runa falling to her knees

Naruto got up and hugged Runa. "Thank you for being honest with me Runa," said Naruto.

Runa smiled. "I have no choice. I'm your mate now," said Runa as she kissed Naruto.

"ANOTHER ONE!" thought Naruto.

"Hahahahahahahaha. You know people would say you have luck with the ladies, but this is too much," said Alucard.

"Shut the hell up," said Naruto.

The Sun rose up over the Hokage monument and that meant it was time to get to work. Naruto stood up and walked back into the house. When he was in he Saw Kushina standing there with two bokkens in her hands and a back pack.

"Come with me Naruto. I what to train you," said Kushina walking away with a cold look in her eyes that Naruto remembered all to well.

"She's definitely my mother," said Naruto as he followed her.

(training ground 5)

Naruto walked in behind Kushina and removed his coat and vest. She throw him a bokken and got into a stance that he didn't recognize. Naruto prepared to strike only for her to appear before him and thrust the Bokken into his gut. The force of the blast ripped away his shirt and made a fear scars appear. Naruto tried to hold his ground, but was blown away into a tree that he went halfway into. Kushina sighed.

"Your going to have to get a whole lot stronger. That was only a 3rd of the power to Element Zero: Pin point strike and if that was what it could do with a bokken then image what a real sword would do," said Kushina as Naruto stood up.

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