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Human/Vampire speech

Human/Vampire thought

Demon/Boss speech

Demon/Boss thought

Demonic influenced speech/ song



(In the Arena)

Sai and Kimimaro ran at each other with the intent to do serious damage. Kimimaro throw out a punch that had a bone sticking out of his arm. Sai jumped to the side and throw a kick at Kimimaro's head. Sai's eyes widened in pain as he jumped back and grabbed his foot. He looked at Kimimaro to see that Kimimaro had bone on his face that fell to the ground.

"As you can see my bloodline the Dead Bone pulse. I can not only change the density of my bones, but I can also bring them out of my body and use them as weapons," said Kimimaro as Sai smirked.

"I too have a unique ability," said Sai pulling out a painting of a rather large Dragon.

"Painting?" asked Kimimaro as he had to dodge a flame that came from the dragon that came to life.

"I myself have a blood line. I have no clue what its called, but I'm able to bring my paintings to life," said Sai.

(up in the stands)

Naruto watched the battle with a critical eye. Something was not right the ninjas of the Sound were holding back a lot of power. He noticed that the large guy was going to use something powerful, but stopped and forfeited.

Naruto walked off to the side and was meet by Rin who wore a yellow jacket and red shoulders. "Rin you noticed it too?" asked Naruto.

Rin nodded. "I pulled some strings and checked out any info we had on Sound. We don't know where it is, who the Kage is, or anything like that. It's almost as if it's more of a large group that just wanders around and changes leaders. I have a few members running around the city in teams of 3 making sure nothing happens," said Rin smirking.

Naruto raised a brow. "Members of what?" asked Naruto as she pulled out a bandana with the Hellsing code of arms on it.

"It was made official by the third Hokage not a week ago.

Naruto grinned hard. "Perfect," said Naruto as he heard the sounds of battle ending.

(Back in the arena)

Kimimaro was having a tough time, because his body was starting to give out on him again. "Proctor I can no longer battle so I forfeit this march," said Kimimaro

Many people booed, but Kimimaro just walked off. Once in the hall he was greeted by his only real friend. He quickly collapsed into her arms as she felt his head.

"You jackass you pushed yourself to hard. You know what that could do to you," said Tayuya studying him.

Kimimaro starting breathing hard. "It's all that bastard's fault. If only I could rid you of that damn curse mark I'd kill him in a heart beat," said Kimimaro

Tayuya bit her lip. They had talked about this countless times. Orochimaru may have found Kimimaro, but it was Kimimaro who Tayuya followed. They had met after a raid on her small village by a few sound Ninja. She had to witness the rape of her mother. Kimimaro saved her from that fate if only for a few moments in time. They wanted to be free of Orochimaru, but after he marked her they grew scared, because unlike the first person he marked he could kill them if he thought they were disobeying him in anyway or form.

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