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Vampire/Human speech

Human/Vampire thought

Demon/boss speech

Boss/Demon thought

Kushina sighed. It had been two days since she had sent the team on a retrieval Mission for those kids and Ayame. She was worried for Naruto more then the others. She was about to go home when Ibiki appeared in her office and bowed to her.

"What is it Ibiki?" asked Kushina.

"Hokage-sama it's urgent. The team has just turned up at the gates, with the hostages," said Ibiki.

Kushina smiled at the news. "That's great," said Kushina only for the smile to leave upon seeing Ibiki's face. "What happened Ibiki? Are they alright?" asked Kushina. Even though she was the Hokage she was a mother first.

Kimimaro is in bad shape. He's lost a lot of blood. Naruto is injured, but is mostly healed up, Sakura too is low on Chakra, everyone else is relatively fine," said Ibiki.

"Get Tsunade down there and help them," said Kushina.

"Rin has already started on Sakura, and Naruto is already resting. Tsunade is on her way now to look at Kimimaro," said Ibiki.

Kushina frowned. "Why was I not informed of this?" asked Kushina.

"With all do respect Hokage-sama, I'm not just a ANBU black ops anymore. I'm also a member of Hellsing," said Ibiki vanishing.

(At the hospital)

Naruto was leaning on a wall. He had his jacket and shirt removed so it could be bandaged with his jacket handing off his shoulders. Sai had left some nasty wounds that Naruto didn't even feel at the time of battle. The kids had all been set up in a room as had the others. Naruto leaned in the wall before looking at the medical room.

Kimimaro was in there fighting for his life with the help of Rin, Shizune, and Tsunade. Across from Naruto sat Tayuya who was depressed. He understood that those two loved each other very much. He could still see remnants of Tears in her eyes.

"You should be proud of him," said Naruto as Tayuya looked up.

"Proud? The man I love is dieing in there and there's not a damn thing I can do about it!" yelled Tayuya as she stood up.

"You can pray. He is a strong person. Not physicality, but mentally and Emotionally. He chose to use his vast power to protect you from darkness," said Naruto.

"He didn't have to use that deadly power," said Tayuya.

Naruto sat down and drew out Joshua. "He didn't have to... he wanted to," said Naruto as Tsunade, Shizune, and Rin walked out of the room and sighed.

"How is Kimimaro-kun?" asked Tayuya looking at tsunade hopfully.

"Well it wasn't easy I'll tell you that. He seems to be harder to kill then Naruto here," said Rin smiling at her Boss.

"We had to isolate the virus in his chest, and it was only made more difficult by the Curse Seal. We Contained most of the Virus, but Now it acts like the 8 gates. If he uses the cruse seal he'll eventually die. Other then that he'll be just fine.

Tayuya smiled as tears fell from her eyes. Naruto put a comforting hand on her shoulder before she turned around and cried into Naruto's chest. Whispering thank you over and over again, as Naruto patted her back. After all it wasn't everyday that you discovered that the person you loved more then life was going to live.

(Hellsing Headquarters- 2 weeks later)

Naruto had recalled all Hellsing Agents to the main base and had them rest for the day. He himself was resting in his office. Rin was sitting next to him writing out a report for Tsunade to deliver to Kushina and the Council about a project that The Sience division was going to carry out not to long from now.

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