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Vampire/Human speech

Human/Vampire thought/ Flashback

Demon/boss speech

Demon/boss thought

Demonic influenced speech




(With Kimimaro)

Kimimaro had just grown his tail, spikes appeared out his back, his skin turned brown and a drill like weapon grew out his left arm. He glared at Gray who stood just about 6 inches taller then him, but Kimimaro still had the skills to back up anything he had.

Kimimaro charged and brought his drill up. It was spinning at a rapid rate. Gray jumped out the way of the attack and started a chain of hand signs.

"Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" yelled Gray unleasing a massive fireball at kimimaro.

Kimimaro blocked the attack with his drill, before firing out a large spear at Gray. Gray grabbed the spear and broke it in two. Gray charged and tried to punch Kimimaro in the face, , nut Kimimaro moved to the side and kicked him in his back. Kimimaro jumped into the air and shot out a large amount of spikes as Gray. Gray moved out the way and Kimimaro landed on the ground. Gray appeared before Kimimaro, before punching him hard in the gut and sending him flying. Kimimaro landed hard on the ground and coughed up blood.

"What the hell? He didn't hit me that hard, unless... DAMN! I'm running out of Time," thought Kimimaro.

Gray jumped up and slammed a mighty foot into Kimimaro's chest making him scream in pain, before he began to grind his foot in. Kimimaro lost his constriction and reverted back to normal. Gray began to laugh as he started to stomp his chest In. Every time his foot came down Kimimaro would scream. Kimimaro coughed up blood and glared at Gray.

"Once I'm done with you. I'll have so much fun with Tayuya. HAHAHA I'm make that slut have my children, but before that happens I'm going to make you watch every ti u/1671602/

me we have fun, her moaning my name over and over again," said Gray Laughing loudly

"Don't (Coughs up blood) you dare, touch a hair on Tayuya-koi!" yelled Kimimaro feeling his power returning.

Gray was about to say something, but felt two bodies slam into him. He looked and saw it was two of Tayuya's Demon puppets. He slugged one, and the other jumped away. He stood and looked at Tayuya who stood in front of Kimimaro.

Tayuya looked at Kimimaro. "Don't worry. He won't hurt you again. I swear it," said Tayuya with fire in her eyes and ice in her voice.

Kimimaro tried to stand, but fell. "Don't you dare try to fight him Tayuya!" yelled Kimimaro more afraid for her then himself, before coughing up blood.

Tayuya smiled, before shaking her head. She took off her Hellsing vest. "It's my turn to protect you Kimimaro-koi," said Tayuya as her chakra flared, before she glared at Gray. "AND UNLIKE KIMIMARO I HAVE NO LIMIT!" yelled the enraged girl as she charged at Gray.

Gray was so shocked at the level of his toy that his jaw was broken before he knew it. He skidded across the ground and righted himself. Once he was back on his feet. He quickly reset his jaw. He wouldn't underestimate her again. He quickly formed hand signs that she knew, before she started with a few of her own.

"Earth Style: Cushing rain Jutsu!" yelled Gray. A large chunk of earth flow up, before it started to fall to the ground in multiple little pebbles at high speeds

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