Chapter 7: new feelings

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Words- 1050

Song- akon and Micheal Jackson hold my hand.

Serenity's P.O.V

My eyes shoot open and I could feel my hand shaking, but despite this my whole body felt warm and tingly but above all I felt protected.

I turned my head to see Ryder's sleeping space, he looked so peaceful.

I stared at him a moment more before my night terror entered my mind and before I could stop it, a sob came out of my mouth.

Tears ran down my eyes so I shut them to try and stop the tears but it was no use, I felt something wipe my tears away which made my eyes open again.

I was met with my mates beautiful orbs, he leans up on his arm "seren why are you crying?" He said.

"I-it's Nothing" I stuttered as I tried to turn away from him, however he grabbed my hands and pulled me to hit up.

"Tell me? Why are you crying?" His voice came out more demanding.

I pulled my hands from his and tangled them into my hair, if I tell him. He will regret me.

"I'm so weak, you deserve someone stronger" I told him as I continued to cry.

"Baby listen to me-" he pulled my hands from my hair, he lifted my head to look at him and hold my hands tight.

"- there is no one in this whole enter world that could ever match up to you, no one can make me feel the way you do. I've never felt so alive with anyone the way I feel with you" he tells me.

Truth ran through his eyes which caused more tears to fall.

"Y-you was taken from me-" I started to say.

"What-" I cut him off as I continued.

"This girl, she took you from me. She told me that you was hers. T-then you told me t-that I was weak and you could never love someone so messed up as me" I tell him.

"Baby I-"

"Y-you kissed her infront of me, then you both laughed. This girl said that it was all a job. The whole process we have made was a lie because you made a bet with your friends and I feel for it"

He stared at me in shock as I looked down and wiped my tears of my eyes, I blinked before looking back at him.

"She hit me and as I feel to the floor, you laughed. My own mate laughed at me. You repeated to me that I was weak and that you could never love me, t-then"

"I What?" His voice was strained and he sounded as if what I was saying was hurting him.

"You reject me" I spoke the words that caused me to be in this state.

He let out a growl before he grabbed the back of my head gently to ensure I keep looking at him.

"Now listen to me, never and I mean ever would I let someone else lay a hand on you in front of me. If they ever did, they'd never live to tell the tale-" he starts, he took a deep breath before continuing.

"-I would NEVER choice anyone over you, you will never be and have never been a bet to me. You are my fate, given to me by the gods and I'm fucking glad I got you" when these words came from his mouth I felt a smile come onto mine.

"And lastly I would never. Fucking never reject you, you are mine and I am yours, you are not weak nor are you incapable of the luna position and title. You are the most amazing women who has ever talked this Earth, the most beautiful women that my eyes have ever seen and the most strongest women to hold the title as my Luna and mate" he tells me.

I feel like he wanted to say more yet he held back.

'He won't reject us? So I have my mate forever?"

'I can make sure he is ours forever' I replied before I gently pushed him back so he was sitting before I climb onto his lap.

'No! It will cause you pain!' Delly rushed out.

'You are worth every part of it' I tell her before I lean in and kiss my mate.

I then pulled away and kissed his neck, I found the spot.

Pulling back a little I allowed my K-9s out but before I could bite in my mates voice cut me off.

"Do it baby" he says as he pulls me back to look at him.

He sees my half transformed face and smiled before kissing me on the lips.

"Go it, I'll let you. If it makes you feel better mark me as yours because I am and I always will be" he whispered before pushing my head back near his neck.

I take a moment before breathing in his sent then I sunk my teeth into his neck.

He let out a groan before he ran his fingers into my hair and pushed me closer.

"That's it my baby" he moaned, I pulled away and licked the mark which made him moan again.

I looked at him in the eye and he smiled which caused me to smile.

"Your mine" I whispered as I rested my forehead against his.

"I'm yours"


So yeah another whole new chapter. Before I wrote this the last chapter was like 300 and something words and I believe and know you deserve more then that.

In the last version she pushed to mark him which caused her pain. Yeah I don't get it either 😂.

In this version as you read it's a lot better and I'd like to think sweeter.

Ryder is already sounding different and I love the idea of that. I hope you can connect to him as I have started to do.

In all honesty reconnecting with the characters that I wrote years ago honestly feel so good.

I've missed them.

So let's get these reads up. Everyone please share and recommend the book. Now that it's being edited I feel like more need to know about it.





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